US Spies Are Organizing Assassinations Against Russian Military Leaders In Ukraine – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Knowing now that US spies are using their proxies in Kiev to assassinate Russian military leaders, it’s clear that this is truly the hottest proxy war of the New Cold War thus far. The New York Times’ report, which is deemed credible by the average Westerner, now opens the narrative doors for Russia to asymmetrically respond if it so chooses.

The New York Times (NYT) revealed that US-led NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine has escalated to the point where American spies are now feeding intelligence to Kiev that’s then used to assassinate Russian military leaders in that former Soviet Republic. It should have been taken for granted that this was already happening but the “politically correct” narrative up until recently was that no such thing had occurred nor ever would occur since the US isn’t officially at war with Russia. Those who described its billions of dollars of military assistance to Kiev as proof of an American proxy war on Russia were smeared as “conspiracy theorists” and “Russian agents”, up until now at least.

The NYT is regarded by the most toxic gatekeepers of the “official narrative” as one of the most sacred sources of information. Whatever it reports cannot ever be questioned according to them, which is why it’s a major narrative development that none other than this outlet was the one to issue that scandalous report confirming a major escalation in US-led NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine. It’s impossible to know exactly how many Russian military leaders have been assassinated as a result of the intelligence that American spies passed along to Kiev, but it should be presumed that a few have at the very least probably been targeted as a result since it’s unlikely that the NYT fabricated the whole story.

That being the case, this means that the latest development is much more dangerous than the fake news that was reported in summer 2020 alleging that Russia was paying bounties to the Taliban to assassinate US troops in Occupied Afghanistan. Those allegations were ultimately discredited, but in hindsight, they served to shape the malleable public’s consciousness in such a way that they’re preconditioned to morally accept supposedly “doing the same” to Russia in Ukraine even though Russia never did that which to begin with to the US in Afghanistan. Cynics who mocked President Putin’s claims that US-led NATO’s activities in Ukraine posed a threat to Russia are now eating crow if they’re sincere.

Most probably aren’t though since they likely acknowledged the US-led NATO proxy war on Russia through Ukraine from the get-go but simply gaslit and pretended that no such thing existed as a means of manipulatively controlling the narrative about this conflict for the purpose of adding a veneer of false morality to Kiev’s cause. That’ll be much harder to do now that the NYT published the most damning report yet confirming the veracity of Moscow’s claims, unless of course the US’ perception managers now spin the 1984-like tale that “US-led NATO was always waging a proxy war on Russia through Ukraine”, which can’t be discounted considering emerging narrative trends.

These are NBC News’ US intel sources recently admitting that they’re waging an information war against Russia (including through the deliberate spread of fake news) and one of CNN’s own such sources admitting that “every Zelensky appearance broadcast is an information operation” (or just pure propaganda in common parlance). It therefore naturally follows in hindsight that the next logical step would be to “leak” information confirming the existence of US-led NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine since the public has already been prepared for the past month to accept a radical shift in the “official narrative”, which is only happening because the prior one was no longer credible at all.

Seeing as how this has been happening the whole time and isn’t anything new, that means that Russian analysts have been correct all along in their description of this conflict, which itself was based off of President Putin’s revelations about the real military-strategic dynamics when he announced the commencement of his country’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine. Awareness of this “politically inconvenient” fact should lead observers to realize that the US-led West has been lying to them this entire time about the nature of the Ukrainian Conflict. It was never how they manipulatively portrayed it as but was always a Russian-US proxy war within the larger global systemic transition.  

Had Russian analysts or those who share their worldview speculated that US spies were responsible for assassinating their military leaders in Ukraine by proxy, they’d have been laughed at by the Western public as pathetic people who are delusionally trying to cope with Kiev’s forces supposedly being godlike superhuman warriors, which is what the average Westerner truly believes. That “hero propaganda” should now be discredited once and for all after the NYT’s latest report, which comes after the Snake Island and “Ghost of Kiev” psy-ops were also exposed as nothing more than fake news too. The reality is that Ukraine has a state has been captured by US-led NATO for use as a national proxy against Russia.

The Kremlin’s intelligence agencies realized this and ultimately concluded that the US-led West wasn’t interested in respecting Russia’s security guarantee requests from last December, which is why President Putin made the decision to intervene as a last resort to uphold the integrity of his country’s national security red lines in Ukraine in particular and the region more broadly. Knowing now that US spies are using their proxies in Kiev to assassinate Russian military leaders, it’s clear that this is truly the hottest proxy war of the New Cold War thus far. The NYT’s report, which is deemed credible by the average Westerner, now opens the narrative doors for Russia to asymmetrically respond if it so chooses.

By Andrew Korybko
American political analyst

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