US Truckers’ Convoy Protest Opposing Vax Mandates Swells In Size As It Rolls East Toward Washington DC

Hundreds of truckers and their supporters set off from southern California on Wednesday on a convoy headed across the United States towards the capital Washington to protest against pandemic restrictions. Inspired by the demonstrations that crippled Canada’s cities for weeks, organizers of “The People’s Convoy” want an end to mask mandates, vaccination requirements and business shutdowns that are intended to slow the march of Covid-19.

Trucker Convoy Swells in Size as It Rolls East Toward Washington, DC

A truckers’ convoy, inspired by Canada’s Freedom Convoy, began making its way across the U.S. starting in California on Wednesday. The group is calling for an end to the COVID-19 mandates and the state of national emergency prompted by the pandemic, which was first declared by then-President Donald Trump in March 2020 and just renewed by President Joe Biden last week.By Friday afternoon, “The People’s Convoy,” as it has been dubbed, had crossed Arizona on Interstate 40, which parallels much of the old U.S. Route 66, and reached Albuquerque, New Mexico. The group is posting its progress on Facebook.

In video posted Friday that appeared to be on I-40, perhaps outside of Flagstaff — based on the mountains, snow, and evergreens in the shot — the convoy extended as far as the eye could see.

The caravan — which began Wednesday as a few dozen vehicles — was expected to take 11 days to get to the Washington DC area, arriving on March 5, though organizers say they do not intend to enter the city itself. Watch full video.

Organizer Mike Landis said in a video posted on the group’s website that the convoy is “about our freedoms as Americans.”

“I have two young sons,” Landis added. “It’s about what their future is going to look like and hopefully my grandchildren’s.”Landis said that “COVID was an issue in the beginning. Nobody knew what it was.”

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The National Emergencies Act grants the president, as the nation’s chief executive under the Constitution, the power to declare a state of national emergency.

Landis argued the impact of it is to curtail the freedoms Americans have under the Constitution, like the freedom of speech.

He ended the emergency declaration on Wednesday, saying “existing laws and bylaws are now sufficient to keep people safe.”

“What we aim to do at The People’s Convoy is get this emergency powers act revoked,” Landis said, meaning the current use of it in relation to COVID-19.

“There’s no need for it. We can prove it with science through the doctors,” Landis added.


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