US Will Likely Miss Biden’s July 4th Deadline To “Vaccinate” 70% Of Americans Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

People have stopped willingly lining up for the COVID-19 “vaccines” falsely labeled as such.  Because of that, Biden’s July 4th deadline to have 70% of Americans injected with the experimental gene therapy will most likely fail.

The slowing COVID-19 vaccination rate is worrying the ruling class.  The fact that the propaganda outlets cannot get more of these shots into more people is really starting to stick the craw of the tyrants pushing them.

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

Members of the ruling class in the United States are warning against complacency as states are attempting to bribe their populations with lotteries, donuts, scholarships, and more just to take this shot. Meanwhile, Fauci wants people panicked and afraid as the main method of convincing people they need an experimental gene therapy jab.

More than 1 million COVID-19 vaccine doses are being administered on an average per day in the country as of Friday, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  That’s down from an average of 3.3 million per day back in April.  That means that the U.S. won’t convince 70% of the population to take this shot until mid or late July.

So far, according to the ruling class’s numbers, 63.2% have willingly taken this shot. “It ain’t over ’til it’s over — and it is not over yet,” said head medical tyrant, Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a report by The Times of India. 

Fauci Says To Remain Afraid Of COVID And Get The Jab

If the numbers provided by the propagandists supplied to them by the ruling class are correct, more people have taken this shot than I, personally, thought would. Is it possible we are being lied to about the number of shots given? Sure.  But there is no real way to know right now. Could they be boosting their own numbers (like they obviously did with COVID cases and deaths) to convince the public that they should get it because so many others have? Maybe. Again, there is no way to know right now.

Stay alert and use your critical thinking.  This isn’t over, especially if the U.S. does miss Biden’s deadline. Expect the bribes to take this to continue to increase and eventually, we could see punishments for those who continue to refuse.

Medical Journal: Get The COVID-19 Vaccine, Or Be Punished HARSHLY

The post US Will Likely Miss Biden’s July 4th Deadline To “Vaccinate” 70% Of Americans first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
People have stopped willingly lining up for the COVID-19 “vaccines” falsely labeled as such.  Because of that, Biden’s July 4th deadline to have 70% of Americans injected with the experimental gene therapy will most likely fail.
The post US Will Likely Miss Biden’s July 4th Deadline To “Vaccinate” 70% Of Americans first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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