USA Today fires Hemal Jhaveri, the paper’s former “Race and Inclusion” editor, for falsely blaming Boulder shooting on an “angry white man” – Ethan Huff –
(Natural News) In a rare display of moral fortitude, USA TODAY has fired its “Race and Inclusion” editor for falsely tweeting that an “angry white man” was responsible for the Boulder false flag shooting. Hemal Jhaveri, an Indian woman, angrily tweeted immediately following the incident that “It’s always an angry white man. Always,” the implication…

(Natural News) In a rare display of moral fortitude, USA TODAY has fired its “Race and Inclusion” editor for falsely tweeting that an “angry white man” was responsible for the Boulder false flag shooting. Hemal Jhaveri, an Indian woman, angrily tweeted immediately following the incident that “It’s always an angry white man. Always,” the implication…
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