Vaccine Transparency Critical: TGA Chief

The man who will give the final tick of approval to COVID-19 vaccines in Australia says transparency during the rollout is critical, while the federal government has announced certificates will be provided to those having the jab. It came as Australia reported another day of zero locally acquired cases. The head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration John Skerritt says his greatest fear is a low take-up of the vaccination. He says once Australians start getting vaccinated the TGA intends to put out weekly reports of adverse events involving the vaccine, both here and overseas. “Some people have said that’s a bit risky, people will jump on one person who may have acquired a nervous system condition out of 20 million vaccinated in the US,” Skerritt told Sky News’ Sunday Agenda program. “But the alternative of not being transparent I think is a lot worse.” Sky reported a new Newsgate survey …

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