Video: NATO’s War on Yugoslavia, Kosovo Hotbed of Crime: Former Ambassador James Bisset

The former ambassador of Canada in Belgrade, James Bissett, spoke sharply about the NATO aggression on the then FR Yugoslavia in 1999 and most directly accused the then world leadership. The Canadian diplomat stated that the bombing of Serbia in 1999 was a historic mistake.

It was planned before the bombing. The Americans planned everything months in advance. After the bombing, tens of thousands of Serbs were expelled from Kosmet. Hundreds of churches and monasteries in Kosovo were destroyed. Since then, Kosovo has been a hotbed of corruption and crime, Bisset said.

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Ambassador Bissett also warned that a large part of the drug trade takes place through the territory of Kosovo.

On the other hand, Canadian professor of economics from the University of Ottawa, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky reminded us that all three so-called Prime Ministers of Kosovo have criminal records.

“All of them are on the Interpol list and are related to drug trafficking. The world public is deceived that this is a legitimate process of independence. This is a piece of the state of Serbia and the handover of power to bandits. The real bandits are high-ranking EU, US, and NATO officials.” said Prof. Michel Chossudovsky


The post Video: NATO’s War on Yugoslavia, Kosovo Hotbed of Crime: Former Ambassador James Bissett, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky The Attack was Engineered. Canadian Diplomat and University Professor Accused of NATO and Then World Leaders: Yugoslavia Was Attacked by a Group of Robbers! appeared first on Global Research.

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