Watch: French Police Patrol Cafés Asking To See Citizens’ Vaccine Papers

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Video has emerged out of Paris, France, showing police patrolling cafes and bars demanding to see people’s credentials and making sure they are not breaking the law by enjoying themselves while unvaccinated.

Reuters reporter Antony Paone shared the video noting “The first checks of Police started as a preventive measure at Paris in cafes and restaurants where the Pass Sanitaire is mandatory as of today. Fines of 135 euros and verbal warnings from next week, up to 9,000 euros in the event of a repeat offense.”


Other footage also emerged of private security, train staff and business owners checking the passes which confirm vaccination, a negative test, or (for the time being) recent recovery from the virus on people’s phones:

‘Proof of vaccination please.’

This is what a hi-tech dictatorship looks like in 2021.

And that is exactly why most cafes and restaurants in France currently look like this:

As we reported last month, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that those who don’t have a ‘Pass Sanitaire’ will be banned from participating in basic life activities such as visiting restaurants and using public transport.

The move quickly prompted citizens to take to the streets, with riot police called in to put the protests down:

The protests forced Macron to back down on imposing the mandatory vaccine passports for entry to shopping malls, but they are now in place for practically everywhere else.

As we previously documented, under the the draconian law, people in France who enter a bar or restaurant without a COVID pass face 6 months in jail, while business owners who fail to check their status face a 1 year prison sentence and a €45,000 fine.

Make no mistake, this tyranny is imminently coming to Britain, the U.S. and beyond unless people stand up en mass and reject it, and even then it may be too late.

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