Watch: Unseen Footage By Doctors Who Treated JFK Destroys Another Key Government Narrative Regarding His Assassination – Cullen Linebarger

The Gateway Pundit reported two months that 88-year-old John F. Kennedy assassination witness Paul Landis gave an exclusive interview where he exposed the Warren Commission’s “magic bullet theory” as a lie. Now another key part of the official story regarding the 35th president’s death has fallen apart thanks to first hand accounts of seven doctors who tried to save his life at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas.

The Daily Mail on Sunday shared exclusive footage from a documentary airing Sunday evening in the United Kingdom called JFK Assassination: What Happened in the Trauma Room? which show these interviews. The medics first spoke out in 2013 but the interviews were kept hidden until now as the Mail notes so the filmmaker, Jacque Leuth, could interview Jim Jenkins, the only surviving member of the JFK autopsy team. She was able to do so in 2021.

The Warren Commission investigation concluded concluded that Kennedy was shot from behind by Lee Harvey Oswald after his motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository, where the alleged assassin was an employee.

The report elaborates that Oswald acted alone and fired from a sixth floor window of the depository. The doctors say this government narrative is not possible based on science.

Dr. Robert McClelland, who died aged 89 in 2019 and was the assistant professor of surgery at the hospital in 1963,
stated bluntly there was more than one shooter and alleged a probable conspiracy to cover up the real truth.

In all probability there was a conspiracy. There was more than one shooter.



Dr Ronald Jones, who served as a senior doctor at Parkland also disputed the official government narrative.

The issue in retrospect is if Oswald was in the sixth floor depository, how could he have been shot from the front then? And so was there more than assailant?

Dr Joe Goldstrich, who was a fourth-year medical student at the time of the assassination noted this probable medical impossibility as well: “How could a gunshot from the rear peel the scalp from the front back?”

When I saw the autopsy pictures, I thought somebody had tampered with the whole thing and it made me very suspicious.

Dr Lawrence Klein, who was in his third year at medical school, had distinct memories of being in the operating room where doctors were desperately trying to save the president’s life. He said he knew the official story of the assassination was a lie.

By Cullen Linebarger

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