We Are In A War With The Civilisation Of The Antichrist – Alexander Dugin Geopolitica.ru

Now is the time for Russia to tell the people and the world what values we are fighting for and what ideals we are upholding. It is strange that no one has tried to do this until now.

Some think there is no need to say that the West will not listen anyway, others fear that if we now call a spade a spade, all paths to normalisation of relations with the liberal West will be cut off forever. There are probably people in power for whom these values are simply hateful and even dangerous, so much so that they have nothing to do with their vision. The scale and determination of the SMO [Special Military Operation] is such that it will not be possible to simply close the issue of civil confrontation by saying that ‘nothing much has happened’.

First, something fundamental has happened, but the hardest part is yet to come. NATO is concentrating seriously, and it cannot be ruled out that it is preparing to strike.

Most wars in Russian history – but not all – began on the principle that we were attacked, defended ourselves with losses, then went on the offensive, pursued the enemy and finally crushed him (maintaining a humane attitude even towards the defeated enemy). SMO does not belong to this category, here things were different, and this requires special clarification.

In my opinion, so far the account of how it started is not convincing enough. No, not even a little bit. For the people in general, everything is crystal clear and has been clear since 2014. What is not clear is: why not then? Consequently, the people could not have had any explanation. They can do it themselves – and sometimes much better than the authorities. Such a Ukraine, as it has become since 30 years of independence, cannot be tolerated by anyone, this is the way people think. We are fighting for our identity, for our sovereignty, to be what we choose to be, without submitting to any external pressure; if we are provoked persistently and fiercely, then our patience may burst at some point, we will succumb to the provocation – so that will not be good for anyone. After all, if someone sings, without stopping, under the window “we will hang the Russians!”, “we will hang the Russians!” (this is the translation of the infamous and sounding childish and innocent refrain – “Moskalaku na gilyaku”!), and actually hangs – burns, tears, rapes, tortures, cuts as soon as he gets the chance, then who will put up with it?

That much is clear, but the question remains: who are we today? What is our idea? What exactly are the values and ideals of our rather contradictory past that we are defending? What is primary and what is secondary in the NWO?

Of course, for all the sadism and cruelty of the Ukrainian terrorists and murderers, it is not about them at all. Or rather, it’s not just about them. It is all about the West, that is what we are up against, and the West, however, is a much more serious rival. It is a whole civilisation with ideology, structure, technologies, information and social networks, with an enormous amount of cultural symbols, actively used in world propaganda, and it is here that our implication, the partial and evasive explanations, the evasion of direct forms and clear theses break down into a truly global pirouette.

It is naive to think that anyone in the world – not just in the West – will take what we are broadcasting seriously. Frankly, it is utterly unconvincing. Even those who are good for Russia and bad for globalism have not really understood what we have started and why, and are supporting us out of inertia. And this is where the slippery slope of Ukrainian Nazism comes in. Yes, for us it is real Nazism, sadism, a totally unacceptable theory and a criminal practice based on it. And above all, it is the highest expression of Russophobia and our people become its victims.

We do not separate Russians and Ukrainians here. Even sane Ukrainians are victims of Russophobic Nazism, it is clear to us, but I am afraid no one is ready to hear it except us. If the West itself has fostered and nurtured Ukrainian Russophobic Nazism – and precisely because it is primarily Russophobic – it will somehow react to the photos and videos of countless bodies with disgusting Nazi tattoos (more reminiscent of the Soviet zone than 1930s-40s Germany) and a mass of cheap junk with Nazi symbols.

After all, the same thing happened with Islamic terrorism. The West itself created Islamic fundamentalism to fight against its own, and when the situation got out of hand, the West became its victim. Every time we have offered our help to fight it, or explained our actions against the same threat, the West has flatly refused to listen to us. Terrorists are the ones the West is lashing out at, and those against Russia are the ‘freedom fighters’ and proud ‘democracy warriors’. Nothing personal: a double standard.

Now exactly the same thing is happening. If the Nazis are for the West and NATO, they are “no longer Nazis” and if they are Russophobes, then they are just great and “true democrats”, and there is nothing and no way to change that. For the West, the evil is us and since we started the SMO, all the blame is on us. Here ends the conversation.

Hence the conclusion: we must achieve all the goals set by SMO and achieve a complete and irreversible Victory. It is then that we will speak to the West, from a new perspective.

Contextually, this conversation must start now. We are changing the rules of the global game and the basis of this is the belief in our historic mission: to save the world not from Ukraine, but from the globalist West, from this toxic rotten civilisation, ready to destroy humanity with its perverse culture, its unbridled technology, its insatiable maniacal elite, its Big Overload projects and its global control over people’s consciousness on behalf of the World Government.

Today we are not Tsarist, Soviet and certainly not liberal-democratic Russia. We are the last Restrainer, the Catechon. We alone oppose global evil. Now this noble idea must be developed, this mission must be told openly and without shame. Then everything will fall into place.

We are fighting against the Antichrist, this must be said. This is our Russian idea, this is how everything bends.

And it’s not just about us, not just about Ukrainians or Europeans. It concerns everyone. We are fulfilling our spiritual duty with this special operation.

Translation by Lorenzo Maria Pacini

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