We Must Abandon The Satanic Ideology Of The West – Alexander Dugin

The famous political philosopher and public figure Alexander Dugin spoke at the plenary session of the World Russian People’s Council. In his speech, he emphasised the importance not only of having an ideology, but also of basing it on Russia’s historical heritage and values.

Dugin stated that Russia must develop an ideology, but emphasised that it cannot be artificially created or borrowed from outside. Instead, the ideology must be born out of years of work and effort formed over a long period of time. Dugin also dwelt on the documents adopted within the Russian People’s Council, the writings of the Ivan Il’in Higher School of Politics, and the documents drafted in recent years by the presidential administration.

Dugin presented the Russian idea in the form of simple formulas:

  • The first addition is the past and the future: he emphasised the need to restore historical continuity. According to him, Russia is a product of the past and this past lives in it. The Russian people were, are and will be a Russian people.
  • The second addition concerns the right and the left: Dugin argued that Russia must find that commonality that unites Russian culture and the social choices of society. This includes traditionalism and justice.
  • The third compound is the Russian people and their brothers: Dugin emphasised the importance of joining the Russian people and stressed that they are not enemies, but brothers.

Subtraction, or getting rid of the influence of the liberal West: Dugin pointed out the incompatibility of liberal values with the Russian idea and called for getting rid of their influence.

Five equality and friendship with other civilisations: Dugin called for friendship and equality with other world civilisations, such as the Chinese and Indian civilisations, which have a different worldview from that of the West.

Dugin also emphasised the particular modern path of the West in the context of international relations.

“Western civilisation has torn up its roots. It can be called the civilisation of Satan and the end, and this is not a metaphor, our president spoke about it in particular. Western liberalism has been imposed on us for so long and has influenced the development of neo-Nazism in Ukraine. We must rid ourselves as soon as possible of this ‘universal’ ideology that has been imposed on us. This is their culture and society, let them live according to these dogmas, but such doctrines are alien to the Russian people,’ the philosopher said.

Concluding his speech, he reiterated that Russia will have to undertake the difficult mission of achieving and fighting for a place in this world.

By Alexander Dugin

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