West Is Not Strong Enough And Not Capable Of Dealing With World Order Any Longer – Pierre Tonna

We are already living in a multipolar environment. But our current rules and laws, which were created to serve the West, based on western national standards adequate solely to western politics, will in no way let our nations live in peace. All of us present here today were born in a bipolar world and lived in a unipolar world after Soviet Union was disintegrated. We have seen and experienced wars in every corner of the world: in Vietnam, in the Gulf, in Yugoslavia, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, in Yemen, in Ukraine and the list continues. These wars took millions of lives, created close to 40 million refugees, injured and wounded both soldiers and civilians, turned many homeless and devastated economies.

Today we read about food insecurity, lack of clean water in some countries as well apart from no education and no stable income.

What have we done to our world! Why didn’t we learn lessons from history! I introduced my speech in my native language Maltese – from historical facts I learned, that if Russian patriots, to whom I pay my deepest respect, didn’t sacrifice their lives during WWII, I would probably be speaking German. I also respect my Maltese ancestors who died during the same war together with the other Europeans who did their best supplying my country with its needs. This is the beauty of earning history, respect the past and build a better future.

In 1961 we managed to send the first man in outer space and return home safely. Today, 62 years later, it might not be possible to travel to a city in the Eurasian continent. Every day we loose a part of our freedom, inflation makes us work harder and longer hours, families end up not seeing each other. Holidays have to be well planned and calculated or even unaffordable.

Thinking about multipolar world is not enough now. We are here to start working on it, to make it happen in a truly desirable way that is good for everyone, that is beneficial to all nations and above all, that respects the dignity and peace of all human beings. Once I read – “The best general is the one who wins a war without a fight “. Upon dialogue agreements can be reached, that satisfy both sides, but only if both parties agree to sit down and solve the dispute.

Together we dedicate our energies to create a better world order, based on strict international laws drafted and agreed upon by all poles. Western laws are effecting badly not only the south and the east, but also the west itself. The effect of sanctions made the European life more difficult and expensive whilst salaries remained the same.

The fantasy, that a superpower can take over another, must be never dreamed by any leader. Article number five [Article 5 of the Washington Treaty3] says “An attack on one is considered as an attack on all”. I have a simple question – and if there is an attack on all, can they be defended by one? And do we need attacks?

Why always think negative? Since my childhood, as a Catholic, I always enjoyed listening attentively to the Pope bestowing blessing in Maltese once a year on Easter Sunday. As a leader of our church he always projects a message of love and peace and, above all, a message of hope to the faithfull. And because of this we respect him and trust him.

Multipolarity will enhance wealth balance, will bring economic stability, will improve politics and thus we share better political decisions, will benefit science and technology together with a world agreed Masterplan, that addresses climate change and enrich laboratories to overcome pandemics, will reinvest a strong united team for space exploration and other related scientific programs. Last but not least, it will teach us to respect different cultures and religions.

The phrase “let’s oppose” must change to “let’s work together “; the word “war” must change to “respect “; the word “challenge” must change to “help”.

Our West is not strong enough and not capable of dealing with world order any longer. The “Global South” formerly defined by us as “Third World” cannot be called that way. The richness of this region is needed by all nations. They seek serious economic ties with countries like China and Russia. Resources, that lay underground, belong to the people born on that land. To distribute these resources we have to build a strong multipolar economic and financial system, that suits everyone. Economic and trade laws must be internationally agreed upon and not based on national equivalents. They must satisfy all countries and profits shared in a just and fair way. We can no longer worship a currency, that can create financial turmoil any time it chooses to do so.

Today we are united under one roof, the “Multipolar World Alliance” and to make things work we must have dedication and muscle! Keeping in mind our values, principles and interests our goal must be nothing less than achieving freedom and peace. The process has already started and it can’t be stopped. We see changes every day and these changes will stay. There is no way back! A multipolar future is inevitable and it is us who must start shaping the world into an inclusive one!

We are all aware of problems that lay around us, but with a positive attitude we can overcome obstacles. Today I had a chance to mention a few and together, I’m sure, we can find solutions. Ideologies are important, but getting things done in the closest future will bring world order and greater opportunities to everyone.


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