West Using Ukraine As A Tool Against East – Iran News Daily

TEHRAN (Iran News) –The West in recent decades has been losing its grandeur and power in the world as the nations are gradually rising against unipolarism and they do not want the Westerners to decide instead of them and for them, and for this reason today we see more tension between the West and the East or better to say those countries which reject unipolarism and stand against the West.

So what is now going in Ukraine is the best example for the excessive demands of the West and especially the NATO members, and Ukrainian people are paying for it and the U.S. and allies will benefit it.

Although in recent months and because of the economic hardship in the world many countries have called for an end in war between Ukraine and Russia but the U.S. and its European allies do not like any end to the war unless Ukraine wins it because the victory of Ukraine will be an end to resistance against the excessive demands of the West and every day we see that the NATO members announce sending weapons and munitions to Ukraine to help Kyiv resist against Russia and in between Ukrainian people are paying for this war.

In the latest move, the UK has announced plans to spend billions of dollars to replenish its military stockpiles, which have been depleted as a result of the country’s assistance to Ukraine in its war with Russia.

The British government is to roll out the plans as early as Tuesday, which include spending 2.5 billion pounds ($3.3 billion) on replenishing the country’s stockpiles of military hardware and munitions.

The announcement came as experts believe that the Ukraine war has laid bare weaknesses of the British military, including the dwindling reserves of some munitions and a lack of necessary industrial capacity to ramp up production quickly as the country continues to supply Ukraine with weapons.

The UK ranks second to the United States in terms of military assistance to Ukraine, which has been engaged in a war with the neighboring Russia since last February. Last year, London provided Kiev with 2.3 billion pounds ($3 billion) worth of military aid.

During past years, Britain has been also among first countries to supply more sophisticated weapons to Ukraine. It gave the first shoulder-launched anti-air and anti-tank weapons to Kiev even before the war started and also announced in February that it would be the first country to begin training Ukrainian pilots on NATO’s fighter jets.

As the war in Ukraine its taking its toll on military stocks of Kiev’s Western allies, British defense secretary said earlier in July that the West is not an Amazon delivery service for weapons shipment to Ukraine. Ben Wallace’s comments were seen as an extraordinary snub of Ukraine’s repeated requests for more arms to fight against Russia.

He added that Kiev needed to show gratitude for Western weapons donations and persuade some doubting politicians in Washington and other capitals that the tens of billions of dollars they were spending on military aid to the country were worthwhile.

Although the British defense secretary said that the West is not an Amazon delivery but they act as an Amazon delivery to save Ukraine because the West badly needs the victory in this war and they will not spare any aid to Ukraine to encourage Ukrainian forces to fight against Russia.

As means of recovering the damage it has suffered from the war, Britain announced earlier this year that it would boost its defense spending by an extra five billion pounds ($6.5 billion) to take it to about 2.25 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) during this year and the next. The previous defense budget accounted for only 2 percent of the UK’s GDP.

As the war goes on, the pressure on the U.S. and UK governments are increased by their own people and even by other nations and everybody wants an end to this war but the arrogance of the U.S. and its ally UK does not let the war end, and of course weapon suppliers and manufacturing companies make most of the war because their existence hinges on war in any part of the world, and Ukraine because of its importance for the West is a good option and customer for arms dealers.

So the world should not expect at this moment any end to the war in Ukraine because this is the war between the NATO and Russia and the NATO under the guise of Ukraine is fighting with Russia and unfortunately both Russia and Ukraine have fallen into the trap of the U.S. and allies, one fighting for its pride and the other for its land and the third party the U.S. enjoys watching the war and  as we have seen in the past the U.S. and the West have been behind most of wars in any part of the world for their benefit and unfortunately many people worldwide have lost and are still losing their lives because of the unipolarism policy of the West which one day the world should put a full stop to it.

Iran News Daily 

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