The extent of control the Western liberal machine exerts on media, academia, and the public mind is inestimable. You can Google (or Yandex) “Vladimir Putin” and discover a literary/intelligence army of paid bullhorns on any given day. I cannot fathom how much money is being spent grooming, recruiting, and hiring thousands of thinkers, writers, speakers and traitors to spew Russophobia. It’s remarkable.
Buried Truths
Like all FP stories, a quote or two lets us know what the U.S. deep state and the worldwide cabal of liberal elites want. Observe how the former diplomat for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs lays the groundwork for the liberalist strategy to fragment the emerging order:
“Russia also failed to promote economic development in Syria or to replace the Western investment that flooded into the country in the early years of Assad’s rule before drying up during the Arab Spring. Syria never escaped the economic black hole into which it fell during the civil war when per capita GDP decreased two- to threefold.”
Nowhere in Ruanov’s novella about Russia losing “it” does the current research fellow at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna explain why Putin and others could not rescue Syria’s economy. I explained all this in a recent article on NEO, which I am sure the deep-state cryptography department shovelled to the minions of FP. Once the U.S. grabbed Syria’s breadbasket in the East of the country, it was only a matter of time until Assad would be forced to fly to Moscow. The sellout also neglected to mention which parties caused the Arab Spring and the regime change catastrophe that splintered the Middle East. As is always the case, there is no mention of Israel or Turkey.
As I suggested, this is yet another “report” about how the great hegemony will rebound into world dominance again; it’s not all that interesting. What is telling are the names and ideas standing behind the curtain. How does a Russian ministry fledgling become one of the stalwarts Putin haters on Earth? Did Donald E. Graham, the Bilderberger who owns everything from Slate Magazine to a healthcare conglomerate, direct some lieutenant to “convert” Alexander Ruanov? Who can say? I’d need some time and a big budget to dig out all the machinations of the backers of Zuckerberg’s Facebook.
Revelations and the Inevitable
Oh yes, Graham was the lead independent director of Facebook’s board of directors during the crucial time between 2009 and 2015, when the social network took off in the wake of Bill Gates’ quarter billion dollar bet on the social control channel. Aren’t the pieces falling into place now? As a wannabe Russian ministry bureaucrat stationed in sunny Greece, how does one turn down somebody like Donald Graham? You don’t if you are Alexander Ruanov. You simply move from the Greek embassy to the offices of Newsweek Russia, which was owned by Graham’s Washington Post Company when Ruanov was “recruited.”
Despite the ownage of almost all the Western think tanks, endowment grant recipients, media puppets, and politicians, we can always sift through the total bullshit to discover the truth. You see, all good lies must contain a grain of honesty. In Ruanov’s well-crafted lie, the following reality stands out. The chairman of the Carnegie Moscow Center offered this:
“In Putin’s schema, Ukraine has become a tipping point in a global struggle between the Western elite and a new, Russian-led order: once Ukraine falls, Russia hopes to take Georgia and whatever other territory it desires and to once again sell itself as a strong patron to countries around the world.”
Genius, isn’t it? Rephrase what is already underway, only in a way that makes Putin sound diabolical. Trade Ukraine for Syria? Give me a break. There’s no actual trade; it’s only high-level detente aimed at stabilizing the world. This was a foregone conclusion that only required that maniacs were not running the White House.
Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books