What BLM(Black Lives Matter) And UVM(Ukrainian Victory Matters) Have In Common: Both National Horrors Are The Products Of Jewish Supremacist Mendacity That Resulted In The Opposites Of Their Stated Objectives  – Jung-Freud

BLM(Black Lives Matter) and UVM(Ukrainian Victory Matters) have something in common. Both, like WMD about Iraq, were founded on lies and produced the very opposites of their stated objectives. BLM claimed that the relatively high rates of black male deaths owed to ‘racist’ and ‘white supremacist’ cops prowling black communities to carry out ‘genocide’ on saintly blacks such as Michael Brown and George ‘Fentanyl’ Floyd. In truth, most blacks are killed by other blacks, often involving criminals vs criminals or thugs vs thugs, and increased police presence considerably lowers the death rates among blacks.

But, the Big Lie was promoted by the PTB(powers-that-be) and unleashed BLM pogroms and Afro-Kristallnachts all across America(and even spread to parts of Europe). By pretending that urban/racial problems result from ‘racist’ police policies(and/or ‘systemic racism’ if one is pseudo-intellectually inclined) upon a helpless, saintly, and noble black community, there were calls to ‘defund the police’, actually implemented in many ‘blue’-dominated urban areas.



Guess what the results were. Blacks committing more crimes, petty and violent, with impunity and more blacks killing blacks in the absence or the hesitance of the police. Based on a willful misdiagnosis of social and racial reality, the results were the very opposite of the stated objective of ‘black lives matter’. Of course, Black Pride got a lot of boost with institutions and industries caving to black demands and making blackness the new de facto face of America in commercials and propaganda, but when it came to actually saving black lives, BLM turned out to be a total disaster.

Likewise, Ukrainian Victory Matters or UVM was based on a lie. It wasn’t Russia that instigated a war in Ukraine but the West that knowingly taunted Russia with the possibility of Ukrainian NATO membership. The crisis point can be traced back to 2014 when the West plotted the Maidan coup against the government in Kiev, surely corrupt like its predecessors but democratically elected. Because the regime wanted to work with both the EU and Russia, it was targeted for removal Gaddafi style.

The coup divided the country, especially as Russo-Ukrainians and Russia-leaning Ukrainians no longer felt represented by the new regime that answered to the US and EU. All efforts by Russia to mediate and decrease tensions by working with the Kiev regime to accept and accommodate the heavily Russian character of eastern Ukraine were either ignored or violated(as with the Minsk Accords). Continued military attacks on eastern Ukraine finally forced Russia’s hand in carrying out the ‘special military operation’.

UVM was based on many lies. It ignored the historical connection between Russia and Ukraine. Lithuania, in contrast, is a Baltic nation with its own unique language. If Lithuanians wanted to expel Russians living there to bolster Lithuanianism in identity and unity, they’d have a strong national case as the two ethnicities, cultures, and languages are distinct. Such a case could never be made of Ukraine, especially eastern Ukraine where Russian-ness and Ukrainian-ness have often overlapped and evolved more or less as one. The idea of a unique Ukrainian identity and culture totally at odds with ‘alien’ Russia never made sense.
But, in the zeal to boost an ultra-nationalist mindset, even the so-called ‘Ukro-Nazis’ were granted special privileges and positions as they appeared to be most committed to terrorizing ethno-Russian civilians and fighting Russia(if it came to a war), not least owing to an ideology drawn from Ukraine’s collaboration with the Germans in World War II.

But the lie went deeper because the real controllers of the Kiev regime, the members of the Empire of Judea(or globalist Jewish Supremacists), had no interest whatsoever in Ukrainian identity, heritage, or culture.
One of the main reasons for the Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis had to do with Bolshevik agricultural policies that led to the Great Famine that came to devour perhaps three to four million lives. Prominent among the commissars of forced-collectivization were Jewish communists, but in typical fashion, Jewish media and the politicized wing of the academia spun the historical narrative into “Stalin the ‘Russian’ mass-killer did it whereas Ukrainians and Jews are fellow victims of Evil Russia.” Anne Appelbaum specializes in such myth-making to fool the dumb Slavs, and Ukrainians surely take the cake on idiocracy; Retarded Ukrainians make Dumb Polacks look like geniuses.

Jews cynically exploited ultra-nationalism among the Ukrainians to use them as cannon fodder against the Russians, all the while planning to open Ukraine to mass immigration-invasion and to carve out entire regions for themselves as the reconstitution of the Jewish Pale of Settlement(as the next Palestine for Jewish Conquest.

But there were more lies or at least wishful-thinking of a highly delusional sort. Ukraine was sold the lie or delusion that it could win against Russia, a paper bear of a military and economy that would collapse like the Tsarist Russia of the Great War period.
Supposedly, if Russia took the bait and attacked, the Putin Regime’s days were numbered, and it was only a matter of time before triumphant Ukraine would be part of NATO while defeated Russia would be divided into various territories to be swallowed up by Blackrock.

In truth, the Russian economy proved to be more resilient than anyone predicted. And in a war of attrition, Ukraine had no chance against Russia with its bigger population, vast resources, and greater industrial capacity. It was only a matter of time before Ukraine was ground to dust. And Ukraine bodies became offerings to the meat-grinder of war. In the name of fantastical Ukrainian victory, the entire country was sacrificed on the altar of Western Hegemonism.

Of course, both BLM and UVM were the brainchild of the Empire of Lies, aka the Empire of Judea, predicated on “Is it useful to Jewish Supremacist Power?”

As Jewish Supremacism rests on White Submissivism(and as whites are most likely to feel guilty about blacks whom they revere as athletes, studs, rappers, and orators), there’s been a long history of Jews baiting ‘White Guilt’ with various forms of Negrolatry. In the past, the special attention paid to black needs and interests carried more validity due to the blatant reality of racial discrimination and the like, but only a filthy liar, deluded fool, dimwit moron, or brainwashed ideologue could today push the idea that the persistence of black problems owes to ‘racism’ or ‘white supremacism’.

No, it’s due to true race-ism(as opposed to the bogus meaning of ‘racism’), meaning the reality of race and racial differences as biological and categorial facts. Among all the human races, blacks are most problematic because they evolved chucking spears at and running from hippos, elephants, lions, hyenas, rhinos, and gorillas. It made them wilder, crazier, more aggressive, less inhibited, and physically tougher; and no amount of white apologies & groveling or government programs & reparations will change this reality.

While some Jews, due to ideological dogmatism or ignorance of social reality, may genuinely believe black problems are still caused by whites, the Jews of power and consequence are no dummies and know all about racial differences and the true cause of black problems.

Just think. If indeed most Jews are ‘anti-racist’, why are they obsessed about their own ethnic domination over goyim? Why do they insist that a very diverse America composed of peoples from all over the world must always favor ISRAEL uber alles, indeed even over the US?
No, the real reason why Jews push the ‘anti-racism’ of BLM is to further their own racial supremacism. Use Negrolatry to burden whites with collective guilt and then steer the whites-seeking-redemption to follow the remedy offered by the Jews, which is usually to cuck harder to Zion.

Donald Trump’s MAGA movement signaled the rise of implicit white identity politics even if Trump himself has been, at best, a civic nationalist. Trump’s bluster and boorish pride emboldened many whites to express their frustrations and get things off their chest, often in opposition to the Neocons, the Jewish managers of the Republican Party.

And that is why Jews felt it was necessary to push BLM-on-steroids in the 2020 election cycle. It was to rile up blacks that Trump’s America is ‘racist’ through and through and must be voted out of office. It was to flatter white Democrats that they are such oh-so-good people, the kind who put up signs in their front yards about how they don’t tolerate ‘hate’. Rather amusing since they moved to the suburbs in large part to avoid black crime.
And it was an opportunity for all those ‘hip liberal’ urban types who’d benefited from gentrification(or pushing blacks out of cities) and tougher law-and-order policies(such as stop-and-frisk) to suddenly do a social-justice pivot and play the roles of the biggest-defenders-of-poor-noble-black-victims.

Mendacity trickles down from top to bottom, from the overlords of the Empire of Lies to the consumer-professional class so devoid of meaning and purpose(beyond status and wealth) that they latch onto the latest fashion-passions cooked up by ‘wokeness’, or ceaseless political hysteria as substitute for morality and spirituality.

Fearing the emergence of white identity via the MAGA movement, Jewish Power pulled all the stops to prevent Donald Trump’s second term that might be seen as a validation of White American Populism, or WAP(especially as the WASP elites accepted their subordinate role to Jews as their masters).

BLM began under Barack Obama as a late-term sop to the black community that was mostly overlooked in favor of Neolib Wall Street, Neocon warmongers, and Globo-Homo. It was in 2020 when it was pushed to the front burner(not only as a political movement but a pseudo-spiritual awakening) along with the Covid Hysteria to hit Trump hardest, forcing him into a defensive position on racial issues(even though George Floyd died in ultra-blue ultra-Democratic Minneapolis) and medical emergency(that was entirely unwarranted). Using Covid to lockdown the entire nation while allowing for mass BLM protests gave the game away to any honest pair of eyes, but honesty is no longer a virtue in the Jewish-run West.

Jews didn’t care about the consequences of what they’d unleashed as long as they got what they wanted: Trump removed and replaced with Biden, whose administration was, even by the general metric of servility to Zion, a complete case of Jewish domination on steroids, the main agenda of which is to accelerate the demise of White America.

Ukrainian Victory Matters or UVM resulted in an even more tragic outcome. By some estimates, up to 500,000 Ukrainians may have died in the war so far, and millions have been displaced. And many Russians died as well, of course. The whole thing could have been avoided if Jewish Supremacist Power wasn’t so hellbent on subverting, humiliating, destroying, and remolding Russia into a Slavic mirror of the West, now completely in the throes of White Nakba engineered by Zion.

Of course, Russia hasn’t been entirely honest either. Vladimir Putin was correct about the ‘Nazi’ infestation in Ukrainian politics and military, but he failed to mention the more crucial truth: Ukraine since the 2014 Maidan Coup was essentially a corrupt tool of the Empire of Judea, of which the USA is the ‘jewel in the crown(or yarmulke)’.
Perhaps, Putin’s reticence in naming the real culprit owes to Russian economy still relying on Jewish talent and capital. Or perhaps, Putin feared that the West would be even more Anti-Russian over the JQ(or Jewish Question), as the cucked West gets reliably more hysterical about ‘Muh Jews’ than ‘Muh Own Race’. Whites, after all, will usually ignore the problems of white victimization at the hands of Jews, blacks, and etc. but foam at the mouth and bark like mad dogs about ‘muh precious Jews’.

Perhaps, Putin could have spared many Ukrainian lives by spilling the beans on the JQ, thereby awakening and possibly uniting the Slavosphere as to their real enemy in the form of the Zionic Sorosian Empire, but he chose not to for whatever reason, thereby embarking on a grinding war between two Slavic peoples while Jews got to watch from afar giggling hideously with tribal sadism and contempt.

Still, Putin’s half-truths and lies of convenience are nothing compared to the outright lies of the pathological West under Jewish Supremacist rule. To grasp the essence of Western foreign policy, just consider the countenance of Victoria Nuland. It’s like a combination of the possessed Regan in THE EXORCIST and the Palpatine exposed as the dark lord in REVENGE OF THE SITH. Truth and decency mean NOTHING to these people.

Victoria Nuland Biography: Net Worth, Husband, Age, Parents, Weight Loss, Wikipedia, Height, Children

While all governments are confronted with ‘necessary evils’ and must sometimes play the gangster, there’s nothing necessary about Jewish Supremacist Evil as there is no limit to Jewish ambition, paranoia, greed, hatred, contempt, and megalomania. Just think. Jews are the richest and most successful people in the world. They control the US as the lone superpower that controls the EU, the other richest sphere in the world. Jews rule over Israel, the most powerful nation in the Middle East with the full backing of the US and EU. Jews have networks all over the world. But even all that isn’t enough for them. They must have Ukraine as their whore-mercenary and must drive a dagger into the heart of Russia.

Russia, China, and Iran sometimes operate on the basis of ‘necessary evil’. So did the US under WASP rule. The important thing is that they all had a sense of limits. And the British Empire understood it had to share the world with other empires, especially the French. But Jewish Power? It will only accept Mono-Ethnicism of Zion. The World must be their oyster, or goyster. The false promises and bogus assumptions that led to the Ukraine War resulted in what John Mearsheimer warned as a complete tragedy for Ukraine.

But as with BLM and its dire consequences, not only do Jews refuse to own up to their responsibility for the Ukraine debacle but hardly any goy of consequence calls them out on it, not even the Russians(and not the Chinese even though they could be next in another war instigated by the Jews who are eager to hype Yellow Peril as distraction from Jewish diabolism in the West).

Given the developments since Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, there are some hopeful signs that the world is finally waking up as to the true epicenter of world crises. In other words, the Jewish-Zionist policy toward the Palestinians and Israel’s psychotic reaction to the Palestinian resistance serve as a microcosm of what Jewish Power has in store for all of humanity.

Russia, which was reluctant to name the Jewish Power in relation to the Ukrainian Conflict, has been somewhat bolder in calling on the Jewish responsibility in the Gaza horror. And China has openly inched closer to the Arab-Muslim countries during the crisis, perhaps finally realizing that the main China-bashers in the West are the Jewish Supremacists whose media control targets China as the scapegoat for all the problems in the West. Even though Israel had played relatively friendly with China, it hasn’t done anything substantive to persuade World Jewry to get off China’s back. The Chinese may have realized that Israel only plays ‘good cop’ to the ‘bad cop’ of JAB(or Jews-around-Biden). Perhaps, truth can only be approached with small steps, piecemeal by piecemeal. It’s too slow but better than nothing, which had been the case for as long as anyone can remember.

BLM pogroms and Ukraine War seem worlds apart but are outgrowths of the same dilemma: The world spinning around the Axis of Jewish Supremacist Neurosis. Jewish Power is such that it can cook up entire fantasies — ‘white supremacist’ cops mowing down saintly black males in a ‘genocide’ or Putin as New Hitler-Stalin invading Ukraine as the first step toward conquering all of Europe, LOL — to instigate massive civil strife to fan racial hatred(mostly at whites) or to provoke major wars that could spiral out of control into World War III, and why?
Just because Jewish Supremacism must have everything its way and because the West and much of the World, having been inundated with the Holocaust Cult of Jews as the Eternal Holy Victims of History, still cannot muster the necessary courage to finally say NO to this madness… though the brave Palestinian diaspora is showing the way of how Resistance is not only necessary but possible… even though most whites, especially the cuckservatives, cravenly try to exploit the current crisis to woo the Jews to their side despite most Jews sharing the views of Bill Maher that it’s a most happy outcome for Europeans to become minorities in their own homelands. Cucks will cuck, and white cucks are among the lowest forms of life in the world.

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