What Happened To “Victory”? Ukrainian Conflict To Be Resolved At Negotiations Table, NATO’s Stoltenberg Says

After months of fake “victorious” narrative by the West warmongers and their corrupt media mouthpieces, about defeating not only the Donbass defense forces and taking Crimea but also marching on to Moscow with the endless flow of NATO weapons and tens of billions of dollars flowing into the pockets of western and Kiev’s “elites”, now, according to Jens Stoltenberg, “there is no total war between NATO and Russia” and the Ukraine will have to agree to a peace deal proposed by Russia and on Russian terms.
MADRID, June 25. /TASS/. The situation around Ukraine will most like be settled via negotiations, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in his interview for El Pais, published Saturday.

“Most likely, this war will end at the negotiations table,” he said, according to El Pais. “We are responsible for providing the strongest possible position to Ukraine and for helping it to remain a sovereign and independent European nation.”

“The best way to do so is to provide a strong military and economic support and to promote harsh sanctions against Russia,” the official said.

“We help [Ukrainians], because they ask for it,” he continued. According to Stoltenberg, “there is no total war between NATO and Russia.”

“It is always risky to take peace for granted,” Stoltenberg said, according to El Pais, according to TASS

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov earlier doubted that “the Anglo-Saxons would allow” Ukraine to return to the diplomatic process.

According to information that comes to Russia through several channels, the Ukrainian negotiating group is being “led” by London and Washington.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation in response to aid request from the Donbass republics. After that, the US, the EU the UK and a number of other states imposed sanctions against Russian citizens and companies.

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