It’s telling, isn’t it, that the apparat of power in this country is far more determined to criminally prosecute the Orange Man over the malum prohibitum of alleged paying of his own hush money to a woman who might embarrass him about his small hands (and other things) than the malum in se of “warp speeding” the dangerous drugs millions of people were all-but-forced to take and which made billions for the greasy likes of Albert Bourla, the head drug-pusher of Pfizer.
It shows – just the right word – that it is all a show, put on for our not-benefit. It is a kind of malignant WWF, in which the “face” (that would be Trump) is beset by the “heel” (Biden) who has his minions do things like smash a chair over his head, from behind. Cue the shrieks of anger from the spittle-spewing old ladies and beer-addled Blutos sitting ringside.
Kill ‘im!
Meanwhile, Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev . . . though probably not for much longer.
People who know the truth and are willing to say it, such as Scott Ritter and retired Colonel Douglas MacGregor, are saying the regime headed by the actor picked to play the role of its leader is close to its end, having just about run out of cannon fodder to hurl at the Russians.
So – just in time – Orange Man!
Hopefully, in an orange jumpsuit. But even if not, it won’t matter because few will be saying anything about Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeev – which is exactly why the Orange Man in being trumped-up.
It will take minds off the coming unglued of the narrative about how the stumblebum (but evil) Russians bit off more than they could chew and are reeling under the mighty blows of the righteous, always victorious, Ukrainian military – the finest our money could buy. It will simply not do to have Americans pay too much heed to the news of the penis-piano-playing actor exiting, stage left – probably with a great deal of whatever remains of our money, to live kind of like the last Shah of Iran in genteel retirement, having played his part.
What matters is that there aren’t scenes similar to those that played out when Kabul fell. Of course, this time there won’t be any American heavy-lift aircraft fleeing the scene, with desperate Ukrainians clinging to the wings.
In fact, the scene will be pretty good – for the Ukrainians, who will at last be liberated – by a man who wants peace, not war – who isn’t interesting in fighting until the last Ukrainian is put out of his misery. And it may be good for us, too – as the fall of Keeeeeeeeeeeev (that is, Zelensky’s regime) could and probably will lead to the fall of the absurdly obsolescent, obnoxiously wasteful and dangerous Cold War-era alliance called NATO – which has as much reason for being as a pair of bell bottom cords.
And if NATO collapses – God willing – so might the American hegemon, who will perhaps be fatally exposed as the doddering, piss-pants-smelling has been it is.
That would be real news as well as salutary news and this is why we’re being treated to “news” that is a show, about the indictment and prosecution of a man who ought indeed to face the music – but not for palming a few bucks to a side piece to get her to shut up and go away.