WHO OWNS YOUR LIFE? Administrator The Burning Platform

Guest Post by Realestatepup

I don’t think this article was meant to be comedy, but at this point it made me laugh out loud.

What a bunch of horseshit to liken these “passports” to other “laws of the land”.

But ok…let’s go there.

In the UAE an unmarried man and woman cannot share a taxi or dine together. Make sense? No it does not, but if caught, and even if NO hanky panky transpired, each can GO TO JAIL.

In England, perceived “hate speech” written online is a crime. Mind you, these are WORDS. No one is physically harmed. Make sense? No it does not.

In Texas, a person driving through the state can be stopped, and if the officer thinks the person is a drug dealer, or carrying cash for the purposes of a drug transaction, any money or goods of value can be seized with zero warrant and not returned. The victim (yes, victim) is guilty until they prove their innocence and without actually being charged with any crime. Make sense? No, it does not.


What’s the common theme here? All of these laws are about control, control of behavior, control of speech, control of money. It is not about the safety of anyone, ever.

The UAE uses the big stick and threats of imprisonment to control their population via Sharia law
England uses the same threat to suppress free speech.

Texas uses is to enrich local and state law enforcement so they can go on vacation, buy margarita machines, and new cars.

Threatening to take away the ability of someone to move freely, engage in commerce, see family, etc is all about controlling you now and forever.

Covid is not Ebola. It is not the Bubonic Plague. It is not Small pox.

And the behavior of those in control is the exact opposite of what they are pushing on us plebes. This has been seen time and time again, because we all know Nancy’s hair is super important, Gretch had to go to Florida, and Gavin had to go to French Laundry and that guy who made the doomsday graphs had to fuck his paramour. Their wants, needs, desires, all outweigh ours. They are VIP’s and we are merely fodder to feed the machine.

Now let’s go to the “blood on your hands” nonsense.

We have been hearing this chestnut for over a year. “PEOPLE COULD DIE!” “IT’S FOR THE CHILDREN!” “EVEN IF IT SAVES JUST ONE LIFE!”

Oh shut up. The fallout from these lockdowns has been massive. Drug overdoses are sky high. Delayed treatments will certainly increase cancer and heart disease deaths. Suicide. Lost revenue. Children will be permanently scarred for life. But hey, maybe that 98 year old lady in a wheelchair with diabetes and high blood pressure got to live an extra 6 months.

Folks, death makes life worth living. Crouching in your hidey hole like a little bunny is not living. It is existing, like a fungus or a lichen.

Every day you take some kind of risk that may result in severe injury or even death. I am quite sure the residents of favelas in Rio are more concerned with not starving to death or being murdered than they are of Covid.

I think right now in South Africa Covid is probably not even on the list of things to worry about. You know, when people are shooting and burning and looting.

Chicago residents can just take a bullet standing on the street or riding the bus.

You get in your car, and some teenager could be texting and T-bone you at 50 MPH.

You step in the shower wrong and your head is now smashed into the tub edge.

You take that laundry downstairs and trip over the cat, ending with a broken leg or neck.

We all know no one gets out of life alive, so maybe we just go ahead and live, see how that goes for a while?

Guest Post by Realestatepup I don’t think this article was meant to be comedy, but at this point it made me laugh out loud. What a bunch of horseshit to liken these “passports” to other “laws of the land”. But ok…let’s go there. In the UAE an unmarried man and woman cannot share a taxi … Continue reading “WHO OWNS YOUR LIFE?”
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