Who Set Up The Hit? – Michael Shrimpton

It is now clear that Thomas Matthew Crooks was not acting alone last Saturday when he shot President Trump at the Butler Farm Show Grounds in Connoquonessing Township, Butler County PA. Since there are almost no lone gunmen that conclusion should not terribly surprising. It’s also clear that in a reprise of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas TX on November 22nd 1963 Secret Service protection was effectively withdrawn. Put another way, as in 1963 there was Secret Service complicity.

There was also FBI complicity, again in both shootings. The disgraceful failure to place on trial and execute German agent J. Edgar Hoover for his role in the Kennedy shooting of course laid the groundwork for later assassinations, including those of RFK and Dr King. Excellent work by audio analysts including Dr Chris Martensen has confirmed that there were two shooters, as one would expect. There’s usually a backup.

Audio analysis has identified the sound signatures of three weapons, but of course one would have been the Secret Service sniper rifle used to take Crooks out. There is no way that the Secret Service, who were alerted to the presence of a shooter on the roof of the AGR International facility in good time would not have taken him out, and bundled the principal out of the way, had they been intent on protecting him, not getting him shot.

The failure of the Secret Service and the FBI to refer publicly to the second shooter is strong evidence of a cover-up. If either agency were acting in good faith they would have announced that there was a second shooter and asked the public for assistance in finding him or her, although in fact there aren’t that many lady snipers.

Whilst it may not seem obvious, I’ve looked at Corey Comperatore. When a high-profile individual is shot or murdered it’s easy to overlook a less high-profile primary target. When our community partner the slobbering Hun, no offense intended, murdered poor Princess Diana in 1997 the primary target was actually Dodi Fayed, whose old man, the Egyptian criminal and intelligence operative, again no offense intended, Mohamed Fayed, had ripped $650 million off the Sultan of Brunei, naughty man. (Fayed, not the Sultan.)

However, there is no reason at all to suppose that Corey was the intended target. He was a retired firefighter, a good and decent man, who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and died protecting his family. He’s a hero and I respectfully endorse President Trump’s generous tribute to him this weekend.

Crooks’s motives are irrelevant of course, since the shooting wasn’t set up by him. My analysis is that he was gay and caught in a gay honeytrap. I don’t think that he was paid off, as opposed to being blackmailed.

There was an interesting postscript on Friday, when a worldwide Internet outage was triggered by a piece of CrowdStrike anti-virus software. One of the biggest investors in CrowdStrike, which was worth billions and is now worth about the same as FTX, no offense intended, was Blackrock. They in turn have been linked to Crooks. The known links are a bit tenuous, but there appears to have been a deeper link and some in the intelligence community are suggesting that Blackrock funded the hit. Watch this space.

CIA involvement

CIA/Correa Group involvement is strongly indicated. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is CIA, and the Virginia Farm Boys, no offense, are backing Biden, or were, until today. The Correa Group in Frankfurt were of course heavily implicated in the shameful 2020 election fraud.

It was of course the Farm Boys who invented the phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ after the Kennedy Assassination, in order to disguise their own involvement and close connection to Lee Harvey Oswald. Former CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles, the notorious German spy, was actually a member of the Warren Commission, which sought to cover up the role of German intelligence and the CIA in the assassination, poor old Chief Justice Warren having been blackmailed over his secret gay love life.

Allen Welsh Dulles, of the Abwehr, DVD and CIA.

Both the FBI and the CIA gaslit the American people for more than 60 years over the Kennedy slaying. Each agency knew perfectly well that the rifle handed in to Dallas PD by Lieutenant Day had not been fired that day. They also knew that its sights had not been zeroed in (in other words it had not been set up for shooting) and that it lacked a clip, ruling out rapid fire. (The later FBI tests were conducted in bad faith, with a clip, essentially as a propaganda exercise.) It was also clear from the beginning that the rifle handed in by Day, who was as bent as a three-bob note, no offense intended, was a different gun to that in the notorious staged photo with Oswald, taken by his wife Marina. The barrel lengths are different for one thing.

I have no doubt that the FBI were familiar with US postal regulations and were fully aware that the supposed audit trail linking Oswald to the rifle in the photo was a phoney, as it would never have been delivered. There was never an audit trail to the rifle Day handed in of course, as it was a different model to the gun in the photo.

We can expect a further litany of lies from the CIA and FBI over this latest shooting. The MSM have started lying already.

One issue the CIA will no doubt be anxious to cover up is the issue of who trained Crooks to shoot and where. The Agency acquired significant sniping expertise in Afghanistan and, to a lesser extent, Iraq. I suspect that Crooks, who in high school was a poor shot, was trained intensively at a CIA facility by CIA contractors with operational experience. He hit President Trump from 150 yards away with a head shot, which would have been fatal had Donald Trump not turned to look at the screen behind him.

The hit was planned at short notice, probably after Joe Biden’s meltdown in the debate on June 28th. The rally in Connoquonessing was announced on July 3rd, giving at least ten days to set the shooting up.

Possible executions of William J. Burns, Christopher Wray and Kimberly Cheatle

Pennsylvania homicide law as regards the death penalty is complex and not easy to navigate. As presently advised however a conspiracy entered into outside of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to murder someone in the Commonwealth which results in an actual death (this case) is a capital offense. Under the doctrine of transferred malice of course it matters not that the poor man who was murdered was not the intended target. You can’t get away with saying ‘I was only trying to kill President Trump, Your Honor, not the retired firefighter – I should only be done for Trump’s ear’.

The law as regards accessories before the fact, who might include Joe Biden, no offense intended, is less clear. As presently advised however, accessories before the fact to a first degree homicide in Pennsylvania can be sentenced to death.

Subject of course to a fair trial and anything they might have to say in their defense, in my opinion CIA Director William J. Burns, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Secret Service Director Kimberley Cheatle should be executed, nicely of course, in the State Correctional Institution at Rockview, PA.

Was Joe Biden in the loop?

This is the big question, although issues of presidential immunity might prevent Biden, now an ex-candidate of course following his withdrawal from the race earlier today, from joining the others on Death Row. Everyone, no matter how evil, even a Democrat, is entitled to a fair trial.

It is telling that Joe was firm about saying in the race until the shooting, then started to wobble as early as Monday, before finally pulling out today. That suggests with every respect that he knew something was in the wind.

Even assuming that Joe ordered the hit or was party to a conspiracy instigated by someone else, and was not covered by presidential immunity, there would be a serious issue about his fitness to stand trial. In my judgment he is not fit to be President, no offense intended, and could not fairly be tried in a court of law.

File photo dated 06/12/19 of Sir Keir Starmer during a Labour Party press conference in central London. Sir Keir Starmer is the clear front-runner for the Labour leadership contest, according to a YouGov survey reported in The Guardian. PA Photo. Issue date: Thursday January 2, 2020. See PA story POLITICS Labour. Photo credit should read: Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

What about Sir Keir ‘von’ Starmer?

An interesting question arises as to whether the new British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, was in the loop, that is to say was an accessory before the fact to the attempted murder of President Trump and the murder of Corey Comperatore. On July 5th Starmer appointed the half-crazed Euronutter, no offense intended, David Lammy MP, who actually believes that EU membership is in Britain’s economic interest (yes, he really is that nutty), as Foreign Secretary.

Notoriously, Lammy, who has a big mouth, again no offense intended, has made some extremely injudicious remarks about President Trump, calling him a “neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath”. It is almost inconceivable that Starmer would make him Foreign Secretary thinking that he might have to deal with an administration led by Donald Trump. Why did Sir Keir think that the chances of President Trump being re-elected were low, if indeed that was his true opinion?

As I have pointed out before, whilst my column is published in the United States, with limited free speech protection, it is written in England. My columns therefore have to be compliant with English libel law, which is designed to protect high personages, especially those guilty of high crimes and misdemeanours. That’s why I so often have to sit on the fence, as indeed I have done in this column.

If Sir Keir were to be found by a Pennsylvania grand jury to have had foreknowledge of the assassination attempt, imparted, maybe, at the NATO summit in Washington from July 9th to 11th, by which time the assassination planning was well underway in Langley and Frankfurt, he would not be eligible for the death penalty. That’s because of the daft Human Rights Act 1998, which prevents extradition from the UK where the death penalty is or might be available, an issue in the Julian Assange case. However, as I say, it would be a matter entirely for the grand jury. The same goes for Ukraine’s President Zelensky, who was very much hoping for a second Biden presidency.

Please don’t write in and say that I’m having a go at David Lammy because he’s our second black Foreign Secretary. I actually knew, and liked, his predecessor as MP for Tottenham, the black firebrand Bernie Grant, who by the way knew his cricket. How did a marginally to the right of center, white barrister get to know a radical, left-wing black Labour MP? Because we shared the same detestation of apartheid, that’s why.

Bernie Grant MP, a lovely man.

Bernie, a nice man, and I actually met at Ealing Town Hall, where we shared an Anti-Apartheid Movement platform. It is possible for people of different colors, from quite different backgrounds, with very divergent politics, to come together in good faith to make common cause against evil, and trust me, apartheid South Africa was evil. (I still mourn the loss of my friend Anton Lubowski, a fine lawyer with respect, assassinated by the South African Civil Cooperation Bureau in Namibia in 1989, the first friend of mine to be murdered.)

Italian agent Guiseppe Zangara

Lone gunman mania

The obsession with lone gunmen didn’t start with the wacky Lee Harvey Oswald theory. It actually goes back to at least February 1933, when the Abwehr and Benito Mussolini (not a nice man, something I got from a British agent who knew him) were desperate to prevent FDR from being sworn in as President. Italian intelligence asset Guiseppe Zangara fired five shots at FDR in Miami, managing to murder the Mayor of Chicago instead. Since the Mayor was a scumbag, no offense intended, it wasn’t really a tragedy.

The Italian government could help here, by releasing the intelligence files on Zangara and the hit. Somebody, somewhere, needs to free the Western world, and in particular the MSM, from this irrational obsession.

Judge Cannon’s ruling

USA v Trump

I am sorry to see Judge Cannon’s ruling in USA v Donald J. Trump & ors in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, West Palm Beach Division (Case No 23-80501-CR-CANNON) coming in for criticism. So far from being a partisan political ruling Judge Cannon’s decision with respect is soundly based on US constitutional law, in my opinion, in particular on the Appointments Clause.

It is perfectly clear that Special Counsel Jack Smith was not validly appointed by Attorney-General Merrick Garland. Smith relied on administrative precedent going back to the Nixon case. President Trump’s team relied upon constitutional precedent. An appeal has been lodged but I don’t expect it to succeed.

Judge Cannon is very obviously one of those judges where an appeal is essentially the last gasp of desperate counsel, the legal equivalent of Captain Meyer of the Tirpitz ordering counterflooding to starboard after his battleship was hit by three 12,000 lb Tallboy bombs on the port side on November 12th 1944. (As it happens one of those bombs was dropped by a late friend of mine, Squadron Leader Tony Iveson DFC, a lovely chap with respect and the first man I would send for if I ever needed to bomb a battleship.) As a courtesy, having referred to her with respect excellent and well-written judgment, I am forwarding a copy of this column to Judge Cannon’s clerk.

This week’s movie review: Twisters (2024, dir. Lee Chung)

Whilst I’m not sure about the science (there are heavy hints about global warming for one thing) Twisters is an enjoyable yarn and a well above average disaster movie. It’s also extremely well made and features strong performances from the romantic leads, Daisy Edgar-Jones and Glen Powell.

The disaster in question is a tornado of course, a big mama of a tornado in fact, which turns out to be an even bigger disaster than Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, no offense intended. Daisy’s character comes up with a fix, which I wouldn’t recommend trying at home.

Lots of people, including an irritating man at a motel reception (very obviously a Democrat) get carried away, along with lots of cars and trucks of course. It’s great fun, but prompts questions about why more cannot be done to harden mid-western communities against the eponymous twisters. It’s a bit windy, but well worth watching.

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