Why Are The UN’s Ukrainian Refugee Figures For Russia Different Than Moscow’s? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

If President Putin was really “the new Hitler” and the Russian Federation was the 21st-century revival of Nazi Germany like the US-led Western Mainstream Media claims, then no Ukrainian refugee in their right mind would flee in that direction just like no Polish refugees fled towards Hitler’s Nazis in 1939 (considering the false comparison pushed by the West between the start of World War II and Russia’s special operation in Ukraine).

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) revealed on Monday that nearly 5 million Ukrainians have fled abroad as refugees, including 522,404 to Russia, while TASS reported the day after on Tuesday that the number of such refugees on its territory (including from Donbass) amounts to almost 880,000. This raises the obvious question of why the UN doesn’t acknowledge those extra 360,000 refugees in Russia, which is over 50% more than their officially cited figure.

Unaware observers who only casually follow international events are thus remain under the false impression that the UN is truly as neutral as it was envisioned as being during its founding might therefore be inclined to believe that Russia is the one padding its numbers for whatever reason. They should be informed, however, that First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky told Russian media on Monday that Moscow doesn’t regard the UN as neutral anymore.

According to him, “They have certain sympathies. It was really very obvious in the situation with Ukraine. We spoke about this openly, also to the secretary-general. People with Western passports and even Anglo-Saxon ones are dominating in the UN. Probably, this also affects the objectivity of the assessments that the UN often makes in this or that situation.” This assessment makes perfect sense and should therefore form the frame of reference through which these differing figures are analyzed.

The US-led West’s unprecedentedly intense information warfare campaign that was launched against Russia following the commencement of its ongoing special military operation in Ukraine includes among its many weaponized narratives the one alleging that the Eurasian Great Power is a so-called “aggressor”. Accordingly, their targeted Western audience is misled to expect that nobody would ever flee there for refuge, yet that’s precisely what’s actually indeed happened and at a large scale too.

If the UNHCR’s statistics are to be believed, then Poland hosts around 2,7 million Ukrainian refugees while Romania has over 740,000, which would make Russia the third most popular destination for people fleeing from that war-torn country. Going by Moscow’s figures, however, then Russia is actually the second most popular destination. Either way, the undeniable fact of the matter is that a critical mass of refugees fled to that country in spite of the US-led West’s infowar against it.

From the perspective of perception management, the Western-influenced UN has an interest in reporting figures that reduce Russia’s role and misportray it as the third most popular destination instead of the second most popular one. That’s because their targeted audience might wonder why so many Ukrainian refugees are fleeing there if Russia really is a so-called “aggressor”. After all, it doesn’t make sense why they’d do so if President Putin really is “the new Hitler” like they make him out to be.

Whether the reader acknowledges the veracity of Russia’s figures or the UNHCR’s, they must immediately begin questioning the US-led Western Mainstream Media’s (MSM) narrative about that country if they’re sincere about objectively assessing this conflict and its dynamics. Regardless if one supports or opposes Russia’s national security goals in this campaign, it’s a fact that a sizeable enough number of Ukrainian refugees aren’t afraid to flee there for safety.

The US-led West’s own “politically correct” standards are that refugees should be supported no matter what and their testimonies always believed without doubt. Nobody is allowed to publicly challenge the decisions of these people or their perspectives on the conflict from which they fled without risking accusations of “xenophobia” or worse. Nevertheless, this same “standard” is only selectively applied since the MSM doesn’t give a voice to the Ukrainian refugees in Russia.

They’re nothing but a number to them, and one that’s arguably manipulated by the self-interested UN for the purpose of playing into its Western handlers infowar against Russia. Few among the targeted Western audience ever ask about those Ukrainian refugees in Russia, whether they estimate them to be a little over half a million or closer to 900,000. These people’s experiences are ignored, their stories never told, and they’re dismissed as nothing more than an unexplainable anomaly.

Those in the West who sincerely care about refugees and faithfully believe in their civilization’s “politically correct” standards should ask why they aren’t being informed about that critical mass of people that have fled to Russia. It’s either the second or third largest destination for those people depending on whichever figures one employs, which is still very significant, yet no cogent explanation is given for why that is since it’s impossible for it to maintain consistency with the official narrative.

If President Putin was really “the new Hitler” and the Russian Federation was the 21st-century revival of Nazi Germany, then no Ukrainian refugee in their right mind would flee in that direction just like no Polish refugees fled towards Hitler’s Nazis in 1939 (considering the false comparison pushed by the MSM between the start of World War II and Russia’s special operation in Ukraine). This point deserves deep reflection by those who’ve been influenced by the US-West’s false infowar narratives about the conflict.

By Andrew Korybko

American political analyst

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