Why The West Wants To Destroy Russia? – Leonid Savin

Jean Luc Schaffhauser, a former member of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs and Defense and Security Committee, recently released a series of publications on the need for peace with Russia.

As a matter of fact, he accused the EU of double standards towards Russia and other countries even before the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, and he criticized the approach of the European Parliament because of its extremely unfair decisions on the Crimean referendum.

In the current series, Schaffhauser tries to make sense of the real reasons why the West went to confrontation with Russia; and Ukraine is just one consequence of this strange policy there.

He correctly observes that the breakdown of the continental axis (Berlin-Moscow-Beijing) through the coup d’état in Ukraine and the subsequent support for the Kiev regime, “to keep Europe momentarily in the American sphere… led to a paradoxical situation, to say the least.” As Russia has come to rely on China to counter the NATO bloc, consequently, the West has lost its Christian and conservative ally. Schaffhauser often addresses the theme of China’s growing power, reproaching the West and the United States for allowing Beijing to reach its current state through WTO accession; he notes that China too has suffered from Western aggression in its time, and the West has ignored these historical facts, naively believing that China will become “liberal” after a while and the West will be able to absorb it.

However, China knew that sooner or later it would face the West, and communism there is just an outer shell. The real driving force is nationalism. And China was not going to sacrifice its interests to the liberal West, which has always sought to destroy it, although China has been able to capitalize on its policy of national development.

But the issue is not only about uniting the interests and values of Russia and China. The very behavior of the West after the Special Military Operation WO and the events in the Gaza Strip a year ago revealed all the internal contradictions of the liberal West, which previously seemed united.

And for the rest of the world, that is, the overwhelming majority of states and peoples of the planet, the “liberal” West has become “illiberal.” Moreover, the conflict with the West has gone beyond the economic component of superiority and has taken on an eschatological coloring—it is a struggle with the Great Satan, with an existential threat to all of humanity because of its wars, including experiments with coronavirus strains, which look like another attempt to put the world under its control through patented eugenics.

Schaffhauser goes on to note that if “the liberal interests of the Deep State are contrary to the interests of the United States and the American people, and lead to our programmed destruction, it is because they are, in the final analysis, subservient to these ideological, non-democratic powers, which pursue other ends. If the West is suicidal, always working against its interests, and those of our Nations and those of its peoples, then it is not democratically that it is doing so, but driven by its liberal ideological causes against democratic politics, which will always remain the survival or simply the good of the people.”

He believes that “Since 9/11, the liberal machine has run amok, while neither the American people nor our European counterparts have ever really been consulted in all these wars that are unfolding before our very eyes, and which, whether we like it or not, are destroying us and, ultimately, all humanity.”

In fact, this disengagement began earlier. As Matt Wolfson notes, there are two types of liberalism, classical and managerial. “Somewhere between 1933 and 1969, managerial liberalism supplanted the classical liberalism that had previously dominated. This gave rise to our present discontent, which is a revolt not against liberalism as such, but against one of its failed versions.”

And this has led to a serious decline in US public policy, and through its degradation has spread to the rest of the West. This process eventually culminated in the creation of “This coalition of hatred, arrogant weakness and hubris—all three of which always blend happily in human beings—leads to the madness of our European heads of state, who are like children playing at war, but with weapons of mass destruction.” This is the path to the end.

Schaffhauser, foreshadowing the future collapse of the West, quotes the prophecy of Ezekiel, who said of people who ignore God, ““Because thy heart is lifted up, and thou hast said: I am God, and I sit in the chair of God in the heart of the sea: whereas thou art a man, and not God: and hast set thy heart as if it were the heart of God…. Therefore behold, I will bring upon thee strangers the strongest of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy beauty…. Wilt thou yet say before them that slay thee: I am God; whereas thou art a man, and not God, in the hand of them that slay thee?” (Ezekiel 28: 2,7,9). However, one can also see in this statement an allusion to the migratory streams of Muslims that have flooded Western Europe.

In the end, Schaffhauser concludes that the real cause of the West’s war against Russia is liberalism in the form in which it has mutated over the past decades in the United States.

“Liberalism, through subjectivism, relativism and secularism, makes people lose their sense of reality in internal and external politics—this leads to nihilism. Liberalism is hegemonic because it holds the truth, which forces it to wage war for its enlightenment—this leads to nihilism. Liberalism is greedy because it organizes society with money in mind; the result is internal and external chaos, because it removes the love, friendship and free giving that make up national and international society—this leads to nihilism. Liberalism is the nihilism that destroys others and itself.”

In this logic, Russia should be destroyed simply for what it is, because it opposes liberalism and nihilism. Probably because it went through both of these upheavals in the twentieth century and knows the cost of them.

And it seems to wish Russia victory in this war, which goes far beyond the borders of Ukraine. A victory not only for Russia, but for all wholesome forces that resist Western hegemony, because “liberalism unleashes all kinds of health and financial crises against its own and other people, to assert its internal and external domination. This process will only come to an end in the war between its nothingness and Being. Western liberalism is fundamentally satanic, the Satan of the end times.”

But only Russia appears as an ark of salvation where, according to Schaffhauser, Christian wisdom and love have been preserved.

By Leonid Savin

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