Will A Self-Immolating Anti-Russian Pedophile From Romania Become The West’s Newest Hero? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Bogdan Draghici embodied post-modern Western civilization’s support of suicide, Russophobia, and pedophilia by self-immolating; ramming his car into the Russian Embassy in Bucharest prior to doing so; and having earlier been sentenced to 15 years for sexually abusing his own daughter. He therefore very proudly embraced the “Unholy Trinity” of everything that the West’s influential socio-cultural and political elite nowadays hold dear so there’s no reason why the US-led Western Mainstream Media won’t eulogize him as much as they did George Floyd, especially since the latter wasn’t Russophobic or a pedophile but still became an American hero after his death.

The liberal-globalist ideology that’s infested the US-led West proudly promotes various methods of self-harm such as suicideopenly embraces Russophobia like Poland’s Prime Minister just boasted about, and seems to have no problem with pedophilia as evidenced by Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s consistent leniency towards convicted child sex criminals. It therefore follows that this society might have just found its newest hero in Bogdan Draghici, the Romanian who was sentenced to more than 15 years for abusing his daughter but then rammed his car into the Russian Embassy in Bucharest before committing suicide by setting himself ablaze as a form of protest against Moscow’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine.

This psychopath previously posted against that campaign on social media in the days prior to dramatically killing himself. His biography satisfies all the criteria required to become the West’s newest hero, though. He embodied that civilization’s support of suicide by ending his life in one of the most dramatic ways imaginable; his Russophobia was on full display by ramming his car into that country’s Romanian Embassy; and his pedophilic tendencies were proven by him being sentenced for abusing his own daughter. On the surface, Draghici is probably the best example of a modern-day (or rather, post-modern) Westerner so there’s no reason why the US-led Western Mainstream Media won’t eulogize him as much as they did George Floyd, especially since the latter wasn’t Russophobic or a pedophile but still became an American hero after his death.

Floyd was a career criminal and substance abuser, plus he died while being detained by a police office in what was later determined by the courts to have actually been a murder. The ideological importance of his death was therefore purely domestic and had nothing to do with advancing the West’s present foreign policy goals. Draghici, however, just killed himself as a form of twisted protest against Russia. Those within that country who defy their laws to participate in unauthorized rallies against its campaign in Ukraine are heralded by the MSM as the bravest heroes that history has ever seen, but none of them have yet promote the West’s death cult by killing themselves as a form of protest like Drahici did. Moreover, those who’ve been detained don’t seem to be pedophiles, which must disappoint the West.

By contrast, Draghici proudly embodies the “Unholy Trinity” of everything that the post-modern West stands for: suicide, Russophobia, and pedophilia. Nevertheless, his unprecedented “protest” against Russia might still have been too much for even the average Westerner to support, which might be why their MSM could decline to deify him like they recently did Floyd. That’s because while this civilization’s socio-cultural and political elite proudly embrace the “Unholy Trinity”, a significant share of the population is still disgusted by every one of those three points, or at least the suicide and pedophile parts (even though that shockingly appears to be changing with respect to the last-mentioned). It might therefore be a bridge too far for the MSM to push Draghici’s example onto all of them so strongly.

Zelensky therefore probably won’t posthumously “honor” him as a so-called “Hero of Ukraine”, nor will anti-Russian groups all over the West hold citywide marches in his memory. In fact, they might even have an interest in distancing themselves from him once the world learns more about his terrible pedophilia past. Draghici’s Russophobia is acceptable to most Westerners as is his suicide as a form of “protest” (remembering how Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation in December 2010 was presented as “heroic” for supposedly “inspiring” the theater-wide Arab Spring Color Revolution campaign), but sexually abusing his own daughter and getting sentenced to 15 years because of it means that he’s still someone who most Westerners apart from liberals can’t support with a “good conscience”.

Even if the media and political elites try to suppress reporting about what Draghici just did due to their concerns that his pedophilic past might taint the global anti-Russian movement by association, observers shouldn’t be gaslit by them into thinking that he doesn’t perfectly represent the post-modern West. The liberal-globalist ideology of its key influencers proudly supports suicide, Russophobia, and nowadays pedophilia as well. Draghici just took everything to an extreme and would therefore likely scare off those Westerners who haven’t yet been indoctrinated into accepting the “Unholy Trinity”, but one mustn’t think for a second that he wouldn’t have been deified as this civilization’s latest “patron saint” if the elite thought that they could effectively advance their ideological interests by doing so.

By Andrew Korybko

American political analyst

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