Yemeni Army Issues Stern Warning To The UAE With A Focus On Dubai’s Expo 2020

On 25 January, the spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, issued a severe warning to the UAE via Twitter saying: “With us, you may lose… we advise to change the destination???” using a hashtag used by the Expo 2020 in Dubai.

Meanwhile, Ansarallah’s Media Center posted an image on Twitter of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, warning that it is not safe anymore.

“Tallest tower in the world, but it isn’t safe anymore,” the tweet read.

In recent weeks the Yemeni Armed Forces have launched a series of retaliatory airstrikes against targets deep inside the UAE and Saudi Arabia, with some drones and missiles reaching as far as the two nations’ capitals.

Most recently on 24 January, Emirati and US missile defense systems downed two ballistic missiles over Abu Dhabi that were launched from Yemen.

Soon after, Mohammad al-Bakhiti, a key member of the Yemeni Ansarallah movement’s political bureau, proclaimed the start of a Yemeni army operation deep within Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

In response, the Saudi coalition announced in a statement that their aerial defense systems had also intercepted two ballistic missiles fired at Dhahran, and that quivers, or missile fragments, had hit an industrial area in the kingdom’s east.

Some factories and private vehicles were reportedly damaged, and airport services were interrupted, according to the coalition.

The consequences of the Yemeni army’s missile and drone strikes on the UAE and Saudi Arabia are rapidly affecting the both countries’ economic and air sectors.

Following the attacks on the UAE, stock markets in most of the Persian Gulf countries fell and the Dubai Stock Exchange index suffered the most.

The Dubai Financial Market General Index, the country’s leading stock index, plummeted by more than 2%. The six most valued stocks in the benchmark index were all down, with blue-chip property firm Emaar leading the way with a loss of more than 3.5 percent.

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