You’re An Extremist, He Is An Extremist, Everyone’s An Extremist! – Alex Berenson

The left is no longer content with censorship; now it apparently thinks only it should be allowed to rally voters

Yes, encouraging people to vote and JOINING the political process is now a sign of – wait for it! – “violence” and “extremism.”

The Washington Post offered a stunning article.

Though it wasn’t stunning for the reasons the Post thought.

Under the topic “national security,” (yep) the Post reported on a rally in Washington state that encouraged fundraising and turnout for the 2022 midterms.

I know, that sounds almost… American.

But I haven’t told you the scary part.

Here’s the scary part:

It was a CONSERVATIVE rally.

Yes, “activists are rallying supporters to engage in politics and show up to vote.”



The Post article was clear: the rally was peaceful and “organizers had asked participants not to display hateful imagery.”

Oh the humanity!

The left is now waking up to the fact that lockdowns, school closures, and (to an extent still to be seen) vaccine mandates have spurred a backlash against government overreach at every level. They can read the polls. And they are scared of what November will bring.

Thus the desperate effort to brand political organization as “violence,” leading to howlers like this: the risk of political violence is rising “as armed groups push on those gains to push deeper into the mainstream.”

Even by bluecheck standards this is particular genius. MARGINALIZED GROUPS USE VIOLENCE WHEN THEY FEEL POLITICAL PROCESSES HAVE FAILED THEM. When they think they are winning, they have no need for violence. Pushing deeper into the mainstream is the OPPOSITE of setting off a bomb.

This idiocy is the next logical step for the left, now that it has trashed norms of free speech.

Don’t worry, though – people are still allowed to vote, and I suspect they will in droves in seven months. Which raises the question: are you still “extremist” if you win an extremely large share of the House? Or does that make the whole country extremist? We may be about to find out.

PS: Dr. Anthony Fauci is now hinting he’s going to retire. You read it here first, two months ago. The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man!

Alex Berenson

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