YouTube Permanently Suspends LifeSiteNews Channel – Mimi Nguyen Ly | The Epoch Times

YouTube has completely removed LifeSite News from its video-sharing platform, permanently suspending the group’s channel and removing all videos from the channel without warning or explanation, according to the pro-life group. “YouTube just completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel. This isn’t a temporary ban; every single one of our videos is completely gone,” the group announced on its website on Feb. 10. “Thankfully, we have backups of all our videos, but this means hundreds of thousands of people have lost access to our truth-telling content.” LifeSite News’ about page says its website is “a non-profit Internet service dedicated to issues of culture, life, and family.” The pro-life group, based in Toronto, said it had some 300,000 followers on its channel before it was de-platformed. The group is redirecting its readers to its alternate video channel on Rumble and its email alerts for new videos. It is also asking for donations to help build …
YouTube has completely removed LifeSite News from its video-sharing platform, permanently suspending the group’s channel and removing all videos from the channel without warning or explanation, according to the pro-life group. “YouTube just completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel. This isn’t a temporary ban; every single one of our videos is completely gone,” the group
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