A while back I made mention of one of my favorite short stories: Gimple the Fool. It was written by Isaac Bashevis Singer, about a baker who becomes the laughingstock of his village, for insisting on believing the chastity of his unfaithful wife who had sex with half the town and multiple children by other men, though she adamantly insisted the kids were Gimple’s.
Today, I’d like to amend the title to something a bit more newsworthy:
Zelensky the Fool.
Because that’s what Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky is now, especially since he insulted America and President Donald Trump in that televised Oval Office meeting. He boasted, he insulted, he gestured like a stupid, pushy, peasant in a bazar haggling over the price of vegetables, like a greedy turnip merchant. Sighing repeatedly he rolled his eyes like a drama queen.
And he got his ass kicked out of the White House on Friday. Later, in an interview with Brett Baier of Fox News, the fool refused to apologize though twice given the chance.
The problem with acting like a tough guy is the chance that someday, you might be face-to-face with a real one.
Not a movie tough guy. But a real one.
And if you’re stupid enough to believe in your own bull(bleep)—and all that the smoke that CNN’s Christiane Amanpour and the rest of the corrupt legacy left-wing media blows up your behind– then you might make a real big mistake.
The mistake of talking like a tough guy with nothing in your hand but your own sweaty palm.
That’s what happened to Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky who participated in an unmitigated Oval Office disaster for himself and his nation in a sit-down with President Donald Trump.
The left wing media took his side and immediately condemned the Republican president, but Trump Derangement Syndrome and their partisan tribalism has blinded them to reality, just as it blinded Zelensky.
Zelensky, so used to ordering presidents and ordering a weak President Biden around, came to the White House Friday.
The world prayed for peace and thought that perhaps the war between Russia and Ukraine that has cost so many lives would come to an end. We thought he was ready to sign a “rare earth” deal with the U.S. which would bring American business to Ukraine.
That’s when Zelensky began insulting the U.S. and Trump. He rolled his eyes. He sighed. It was disrespectful. It was the posture of a man thinking he was dealing with malleable American fools.
His threats didn’t work out as planned.
Zelensky: You don’t have problem now, you have nice oceans. But you will feel it in the future…
Trump: Don’t tell us what to feel. You’re in no position to dictate what we’re going to feel. You’re gambling with the lives of millions of people. You’re gambling with world war III.
Vice President JD Vance: Have you said ‘thank you’ once?
It got worse for Zelensky.
Trump kicked him out of the White House and cancelled lunch. A news conference was cancelled. As he was ushered out by White House staff, Trump issued this statement.
“I have determined that President Zelenskyy is not ready for Peace,” Trump wrote in a social media post immediately after the Oval Office meeting. “He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he is ready for Peace.”
The poor people of Ukraine understandably freaked at the arrogant idiocy of their so called leader. At least President Trump didn’t slam the door on peace. I would have, but I’ve always thought Zelensky to be a fake gangster, a comedian out of his depth, backed by truly dangerous killers.
And the Washington Establishment Pearl Clutchers were in full-throated cry. The lead hound of this wobbly, warbling pack was Fox News analyst Karl Rove—who has had his bread buttered by the Bush and the Cheney families—predicably whined that Trump should not have allowed such diplomacy to take place on television. Rove was a cheerleader of the needless war in Iraq.
Other talking heads among them grasped at straws. Soon they’ll come out with Adam Schiff leading the charge that Trump is a Russian agent. Sen. Chris “Naked Ambition” Murphy said Trump was all about helping Russia as Putin’s lapdog. They’re desperate to cry Russia Russia Russia as if Hillary Clinton still had them dancing on strings.
I watched Fox News Brett Baier interviewing Zelensky who gave no real answers, just gas and blah-blah-blah. My head hurt. Zelensky was twice asked if he would apologize. Zelensky did not apologize.
But not all analysts are such unmitigated fools like Gimple or Zelensky, the leftist Schiff or the grasping Murphy.
For an alternative view, consider the realist perspective of a now retired but hard-eyed senior CIA officer and American diplomat who has written for you here in the past:
My brother Nicholas S. Kass.
In his essay he offered an admonishment for Europe and others to think about the reality of the situation:
The American Deep State Through “Foreign” Eyes
It was written as a diplomat would write his dispatches to the lords of the fictional nation of Nerastia, reporting on the mood of America to his political audience back home. It asked the client—i.e. some head of state—to disregard the smoke being pumped and pay attention.
It was vital that they should be “anticipating and mastering the new political grammar of the possible next administration as a hedge against change.”
Trump did win re-election. They had to anticipate the change. Their job was to understand the vocabulary of the incoming (Trump) administration. They did not.
“The deteriorating security situation in our wider region, continuing economic challenges, and the often tone-deaf neo-liberal embrace and advocacy of social issues deemed alien and destabilizing by key constituencies in Nerastia and some other countries, makes it clear that course corrections would be beneficial. Either way, as a nation committed to democracy, with painful experience of totalitarianism shared with many countries across a vast region of Europe and elsewhere, Nerastia cannot and ought not rely, or be seen as relying, on Washington’s pro-coup elements to maintain the US policy status quo.
“In this context we should be mindful that in the US, the problem of what is increasingly seen as a rogue administrative/Deep State” apparatus, which has come to dominate US policymaking, has become a key election issue.”
And this:
“Above all, we should understand that the handwriting may well be on the wall and begin now to develop policies that correspond to the emerging realities in Washington, rather than waiting until after the fact.”
The message was important: understand what is truly happening in America. Learn how Trump thinks and speaks, and respond constructively. But they didn’t. They liked left wing smoke smoke pumped up their backsides, and Zelensky played the greedy turnip merchant until he was ushered out of the White House.
Putin is a bad guy. He’s in the wrong. He should not have invaded. The war should not have happened. But Presidents Obama and Biden played stupid, childish games that invited it. They dangled NATO membership in front of Ukraine. It provoked Putin to act. Zelensky would never get into NATO. The Europeans don’t want to be contractually obligated to fight a war. And America won’t fight. I won’t give my sons to die for Zelensky the Fool.
So, who thought Ukraine would win this?
Only perhaps the fools of the leftist corporate media like the New York Times, Washington Post, the network news shops and others, the smoke tickling their behinds that was blown up there by the masters of war who are making huge profits on Ukraine arms sales.
And more smoke blown by Obama hatchet-woman Samantha Power and her fraud-filled U.S. Agency for International Development, that has spent hundreds of billons of American dollars on horsepoop creating an echo chamber of disaster.
For a column today I had thought about the Academy Awards that no one watches but MSNBC leftists, or the Festival of Fools from the Golden Moutza. But I’m a newsman and I’ll always defer to the news.
Zelensky believed his own myths. He obviously believed his own horsepoop and the media’s horsepoop.
And he forgot something else.
Nobody does disinformation like the United States. Nobody.
It pains me to agree with an oily Republican weasel warmonger like U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, but I must agree with him on this:
For the good of his nation, Zelensky should resign. Or go back to Trump apologetically on his knees and sign a deal and cease fire.
Now he’s free to return home, and try to blow smoke up the behinds of his own people. But some in Ukraine are not fools like corporate leftist American media or American Democrat politicians. Ukrainians will rally around him now. That’s human nature. But the realists in Ukraine have seen what they’ve seen.
He cost them a chance at peace. He’s their one-eyed jack. And they’ve seen the other side of his face.
(Copyright 2025 John Kass)
About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper.