Zelensky Told Americans That His Country Should Be More Important To Them Than Their Own – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

It’s understandable why people would be offended by a foreign leader telling them to place his country’s interests above their own and to not care about inflation. It’s beyond disrespectful after they’ve already suffered enough to help him. Zelensky isn’t ever happy, however, unless he hears about more wealth being redistributed from Americans to Ukrainians.

The megalomaniac leader of Ukraine told Americans that they should support his country more than their own, literally arguing that “inflation is nothing, COVID is nothing”, and that they should all continue sacrificing in order to help Kiev defeat Russia. This isn’t so-called “Russian propaganda” but a direct quote from the interview that Zelensky just gave to Piers Morgan. Americans will understandably be upset by it since he comes off as unappreciative of the tens of billions of dollars that they’ve given him.

In the eyes of the Ukrainian leader, nothing is more important in the world than his country, and those who disagree are supposedly doing Russia’s bidding. Nobody is allowed to claim that their country should come first since Zelensky said that Ukraine is fighting for everyone. The problem, however, is that many people don’t think the same way. Even among those who support Kiev, they’re rightly more concerned about more immediate issues such as inflation, COVID, their families, and whatever else.

That’s unacceptable for Zelensky though since the US-led Western Mainstream Media’s (MSM) ongoing information operations aimed at portraying him as a “secular god” have clearly gotten to his head. He’s so tone deaf that he didn’t even realize how angry his Vogue photoshoot would make many Americans, who naively assumed that he was suffering alongside his compatriots and not living a life of luxury that’s presumably partially paid for by foreign taxpayers.

Westerners are making less than before as a result of the current recession and they’re struggling to keep up with inflation, yet Zelensky wants them to continue sacrificing in order to help his country. Despite his government being against Soviet founder Lenin who literally carved Ukraine out of Russia’s historical territory, he himself is demanding a similar form of wealth redistribution as that famous communist.

Zelensky wants Americans to give him even more than they already have. He’s not happy with everything that he’s thus far received and seemingly thinks that it’s too little. Most American taxpayers would disagree, yet few are brave enough to publicly condemn him since they’re afraid of being smeared as so-called “Russian propagandists”. Even so, many have already begun speaking out after his shameless Vogue photoshoot, which in hindsight heralded a watershed event in public perceptions.

It therefore can’t be discounted that he’ll experience similar pushback regarding his latest demands that Americans place his country’s interests above their own. People are growing tired of his daily rants and are starting to think that he’s just a scammer after all that he asks for is more money every time he makes an appearance. It’s one thing to beg, and another to demand, the latter of which comes off as arrogant and unappreciative.

Zelensky is convinced that all Americans practically worship him as their “secular god”, but he couldn’t be more wrong, especially after his Vogue photoshoot. He’s overexposed himself and asked for too much. His face is everywhere and every perception manager talks about him daily in the media. People don’t want to hear what he has to say since he always says the same thing. They’re more concerned about meeting their immediate needs than ponying up more money to send to Ukraine.

What’s ironic about his demands is that he wants everyone to be a Ukrainian nationalist while condemning them for any nationalist sentiment that they espouse towards their own country regarding their interests in investing taxpayer funds into their society instead of that crumbling former Soviet Republic’s. American nationalism is bad, according to him, unless it’s twisted to justify redistributing its citizens’ wealth to Ukrainians to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. Only then is it acceptable.

The reality, however, is the complete opposite: nationalist sentiment is sweeping the world, and few folks anywhere believe that it’s right to give unlimited amounts of money to foreign countries no matter what the “cause” may be. The American people had no say in their representatives’ decision to fork over tens of billions of their hard-earned taxes to Zelensky, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll forever keep quiet about it, let alone after he brazenly demanded even more billions from them.

It’s understandable why people would be offended by a foreign leader telling them to place his country’s interests above their own and to not care about inflation. It’s beyond disrespectful after they’ve already suffered enough to help him. Zelensky isn’t ever happy, however, unless he hears about more wealth being redistributed from Americans to Ukrainians. His financial appetite is insatiable, but folks are quickly getting fed up and don’t want to continue feeding him anymore.

By Andrew Korybko
American political analyst

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