Zionists’ Crimes Go On Amid UN Silence

TEHRAN (Iran News) –  What a strange world we are living in where words are losing their real meanings and turn into a series of sounds coming out of the mouths. One of the words is human rights and the other one is peace that both are losing their genuine meanings especially in the international bodies like the United Nations.

In recent days the Unite Nations and majority of its members have been fully busy with condemning Russian military action in Ukraine and it has jumped to defend Ukrainian people’s lives. No problem. They are right because it is main task of the UN to defend and to save nations but they should look at all countries with the same glasses and they should no act unfairly. The UN has exerted all of its forces to condemn Russia and even to bring this country to the international court of justice but in recent decades this important international body has closed its eyes on any crime committed by the Zionists and sometimes it issues some watery statements and resolutions against criminal Zionist regime. These statements are not enough to stop the Zionists and even they embolden Zionists to commit more crimes.

Everyday some news and reports from the occupied lands and Israel reveal just small portion of crimes of Israel but there is no serious reaction from the UN regarding these crimes. According to reports, in recent days Israeli forces have suppressed several protests held across the occupied West Bank and in East al-Quds, leaving dozens of Palestinians injured.

Clashes erupted between Israeli forces and anti-settlement protesters in the town of Beita, and the village of Beit Dajan in the occupied West Bank province of Nablus, on Friday.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society reported that 20 people were hit with rubber bullets fired by the Israeli troops during the clashes in Beit Dajan, east of Nablus, adding that two emergency medical technicians were also wounded when Israeli troops fired rubber bullets at the ambulance car they were riding.

Six protesters were also hit with rubber bullets on Sobeih Mountain in Beita, while 36 others suffered breathing difficulties due to inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli troops.

Since May, Beita has seen intensified clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians protesting against a settlement outpost that has been established on Sobeih Mountain by settlers under the protection of Israeli forces.

Israel occupied East al-Quds, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip during the Six-Day Arab-Israeli War in 1967. It later had to withdraw from Gaza. More than 600,000 Israelis live in over 230 settlements built since the 1967 occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank. All the settlements are illegal under international law. The United Nations Security Council has condemned the settlement activities in several resolutions.

This was just some part of Israel’s crimes. Have you ever noticed any reaction from the UN and human rights bodies regarding this crime? Definitely your answer is “no”.  And if you saw it, it would be strange because most of the time the international bodies fall asleep in the time of support of Palestinians.

But in case of Ukraine, all countries were mobilized to take action against Russia because the West needs support in its war with Russia. These countries are even unable to take a simple serious action against Israel just because the Zionists are backed by the Westerners.

Women’s right is another word which has lost its full meaning in the Westerners’ dictionary. According to the latest report, Palestinian women are suffering from their recent condition which has created by the Zionists. As per report, Palestinian women prisoners being kept at Israel’s Damon prison in the occupied territories say they are subjected to the worst methods of violence and collective punishment, including denial of family visits, phone calls, medical treatment and essential needs.

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs exposed the ordeal that the prisoners are going through on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, which is marked annually on March 8.

The commission noted that some of the female Palestinian inmates suffer from chronic health problems and need periodic medical care, especially in the absence of a female doctor in the jail.

They added that their access to medical treatment outside the prison needs prior coordination and a long wait that could last for months or years.

The UN human rights commission is just sleeping in cases related to the Palestinians and suppose something like it happens in Iran, Russia, Venezuela or other countries which are anti-West countries. Suddenly all international bodies wake up to condemn those countries and even charge them with some crimes that not have been committed but those bodies have raised in order to punish the mentioned states.

As long as the international bodies act differently regarding human rights and defending sovereignty of the countries, these bodies will be useless and any resolution of them will turn into a laughing stuff and people will not take it them seriously.

The United Nations Security Council before condemning countries like Russia, North Korea, Yemen and Iran is better to take action against Zionists’ crimes because this regime is behind major crimes worldwide and with its punishment, peace and tranquility will return to the world or at least major part of the world and in the Middle East.

The post Zionists’ Crimes Go on Amid UN Silence appeared first on Iran News Daily.

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