They Want Тo Eliminate Doctors From Assisted Suicide So Anyone Can Kill Patients – Wesley Smith

They Want Тo Eliminate Doctors From Assisted Suicide So Anyone Can Kill Patients – Wesley Smith


Certain strains of the euthanasia-advocacy movement believe doctors don’t need to be involved when someone wants to die. For example, the fanatics of Final Exit Network have taught people how to kill themselves, with a couple convicted of assisting via helium. More infamously, Dr. Philip…

Historic: Robert Kennedy Jr. Withdraws From Election, Endorses Trump, Will Lead A Team To Reign In The Big Pharma Industry That Poisons The Mankind

Historic: Robert Kennedy Jr. Withdraws From Election, Endorses Trump, Will Lead A Team To Reign In The Big Pharma Industry That Poisons The Mankind


In a truly historic speech, RFK Jr. showed rare political leadership and courage by endorsing President Trump, removing his name from the ballot in 10 swing states, and promising to radically reform the disease industry in America that keeps our nation sick…

Playing Georgian American Foreign Aid Roulette: “With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemies?” – Seth Ferris

Playing Georgian American Foreign Aid Roulette: “With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemies?” – Seth Ferris


Recently, on 25th July 2024, the Washington Post published an article “How four U.S. presidents unleashed economic warfare across the globe”, in which some interesting statistics were noted. Firstly, the US imposes three times as many sanctions as any other country (or group…

Decoupling: A Fundamental Shift Of The World Away From The West’s “Universal Norms” – Alexander Dugin

Decoupling: A Fundamental Shift Of The World Away From The West’s “Universal Norms” – Alexander Dugin


  Alexander Dugin discusses the term “decoupling,” signifying a fundamental shift away from the West’s universal norms and a rejection of the interconnected global structures that have historically bound non-Western societies to Western values, technologies, and political systems. In the coming decades,…

Will US-NATO Soon Pilot Ukrainian F-16s Out Of Moldova For Sorties Against Russia? – Andrew Korybko

Will US-NATO Soon Pilot Ukrainian F-16s Out Of Moldova For Sorties Against Russia? – Andrew Korybko


This scenario carries with it very serious potential consequences. The report late last month that Ukraine finally received some of its long-awaited F-16s, at least one of which was then spotted flying over Odessa, was followed earlier this week by two related developments. Senator Lindsey Graham revealed during a press…

Might America And Israel Lose Their War Against Iran And Hezbollah? – Eric Zuesse

Might America And Israel Lose Their War Against Iran And Hezbollah? – Eric Zuesse


Here is how that might happen: The U.S. Government is racing the clock to get all its warships into optimal position to defeat Iran, as Israel’s Government prepares to defeat Hezbollah in Lebanon. America’s aircraft carriers, including the USS Abraham Lincoln, USS…

Russia, The Ugly Duckling, And France’s Woke Olympics – Declan Hayes

Russia, The Ugly Duckling, And France’s Woke Olympics – Declan Hayes


NATO’s crass commercialism will continue to undermine the IOC’s brand by shoehorning international sporting competitions into their ugly vista. France’s recent WOKE Olympics was overshadowed in many ways by NATO’s International Olympic Committee’s (IOC’s) war on Russia and on traditional Olympic practices,…

Sovereign Nations Must Reclaim Their Food Systems And Decentralize Nutritious Food Production Before Populations Are Exploited And Starved To Death – Lance D Johnson

Sovereign Nations Must Reclaim Their Food Systems And Decentralize Nutritious Food Production Before Populations Are Exploited And Starved To Death – Lance D Johnson


Powerful international forces are clamoring to take control over the food supply. Crises, like COVID-19 lockdowns, climate change policies and carbon restriction mandates are being engineered, so these powerful forces can shape the future of the food supply and exploit the populations. Investment…

Kazakhstan Now Seeks Back From International Oil Companies $160B That They Stole –

Kazakhstan Now Seeks Back From International Oil Companies $160B That They Stole –


Kazakhstan’s legal battle against international oil majors involved in the Kashagan oil field has intensified, with the nation’s claims now exceeding $160 billion. The dispute centers around allegations of corrupt deals and financial mismanagement, adding another $10 billion to the already massive…

Corrupt Dictators’ Joint Funeral Business: American Democratic Party Donors And Zelensky Profiting From The Burial Industry In The Ukraine

Corrupt Dictators’ Joint Funeral Business: American Democratic Party Donors And Zelensky Profiting From The Burial Industry In The Ukraine


700,000 dead so far, one million soon Key donors of the US Democratic Party are involved in the Ukrainian funeral business controlled by Zelensky and making multi-million dollar profits on the deaths of Ukrainian soldiers and Western mercenaries. The Foundation to Battle…

Donald Trump: “I Don’t Know How A Catholic Can Vote For The Democrats” Because They’re Pro-Abortion – S.A. McCarthy

Donald Trump: “I Don’t Know How A Catholic Can Vote For The Democrats” Because They’re Pro-Abortion – S.A. McCarthy


Former President Donald Trump is calling out Vice President Kamala Harris for her record of anti-Catholic rhetoric and policy. In a speech last week at Turning Point Action’s Believers Summit, Trump accused Harris and the Democratic Party of targeting American Catholics, quipping that “somebody…

Bankrupt US Throws Another $1.7 Billion Into Ukraine The Very Same Day US National Debt Reached $35 Trillion – Ethan Huff

Bankrupt US Throws Another $1.7 Billion Into Ukraine The Very Same Day US National Debt Reached $35 Trillion – Ethan Huff


America’s national debt reached a new high of $35 trillion this week around the same time U.S. politicians threw another $1.7 billion at Ukraine. Russia’s ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov is speaking out against Washington, D.C., gross mismanagement of taxpayer funds,…

Salutatory Salvos Sounded As The Russian Baltic Fleet Began Entering The Port Of Havana Armed With Hypersonic Thermonuclear Weapons

Salutatory Salvos Sounded As The Russian Baltic Fleet Began Entering The Port Of Havana Armed With Hypersonic Thermonuclear Weapons


Russia is restoring and developing cooperation with the Republic of Cuba, which was greatly squandered after the collapse of the USSR, in both the economic, political and military spheres. The Cubans are sincerely happy about this, which cannot be said about America,…

Olympics Opening Ceremony Felt Like Closing Ceremony Of Humanity Featuring Dancing LGBT And Satanic Symbolism

Olympics Opening Ceremony Felt Like Closing Ceremony Of Humanity Featuring Dancing LGBT And Satanic Symbolism


Update (1000ET): Several X accounts that posted videos and/or screenshots about the absurdities of the Olympics’ opening ceremonies have been hit with Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) complaints enforced by Elon Musk’s social media platform.  Your account has been locked because X received a…

China Brings Peace To The Middle East While Washington Bombs And Terrorizes – Mike Whitney

China Brings Peace To The Middle East While Washington Bombs And Terrorizes – Mike Whitney


China firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights, supports all Palestinian factions in achieving reconciliation through dialogue and consultation, and supports Palestine in realizing solidarity, unity and independent statehood at the earliest possible date. China has been…

With Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex Ruling, Biden’s Drop Out Is Of Little Importance – Jan Oberg

With Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex Ruling, Biden’s Drop Out Is Of Little Importance – Jan Oberg


While it is good for the US and the world that Joe “having-supported-all-wars-there were-to-support“ Biden has dropped out, the mainstream media attention to the US presidential elections is mind-bogglingly out of proportion. There are 200 other countries, and among them, a few…

Russia And India Agree On De-Dollarisation Process “Feared” By US Treasury – Ahmed Adel

Russia And India Agree On De-Dollarisation Process “Feared” By US Treasury – Ahmed Adel


During their recent meeting in Moscow, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed in a Joint Declaration to conduct trade and investment in their respective national currencies (the rupee and the ruble), which amounts, without using the term, to a de facto de-dollarisation of India –…

Biden Called To Resign The Presidency Too After He Leaves The Presidential Race And Endorses Kamala Harris For Upcoming Election

Biden Called To Resign The Presidency Too After He Leaves The Presidential Race And Endorses Kamala Harris For Upcoming Election


Biden leaves the presidential race, stays president, endorses Kamala Harris for next election, causing calls to resign from presidency. Democratic Party continues to split along the next candidate with Soros and Obama disagreeing over Kamala.  Biden is Officially a Lame Duck President,…

RussiaGate 2.0: Donald Trump Has Opted For “Real Peace” Negotiations With A “Foreign Adversary” – Prof Michel Chossudovsky

RussiaGate 2.0: Donald Trump Has Opted For “Real Peace” Negotiations With A “Foreign Adversary” – Prof Michel Chossudovsky


  Introduction Normalization of diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation had first been proposed by Donald Trump in 2017. Under RussiaGate (2016), President-elect Donald Trump had been accused of treason “after President Obama announced new sanctions against Russia and Trump praised Vladimir Putin’s response to the…

Angry Euro-Globalists Move To Boycott Orbán’s EU Presidency, Are Desperate To Crush His Peace Initiative – Paul Serran

Angry Euro-Globalists Move To Boycott Orbán’s EU Presidency, Are Desperate To Crush His Peace Initiative – Paul Serran


Orban versus EU’s Joseph Borrell, Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel. The long dispute between Hungarian Prime Minister and Conservative Champion Viktor Orbán and the European Union apparatus is one of the most consequential geopolitical stories of our times, at the…

Putin Says Moscow Now Ready To Manufacture Previously Banned Missile Systems, After US Violates Treaty For Years

Putin Says Moscow Now Ready To Manufacture Previously Banned Missile Systems, After US Violates Treaty For Years


Russia is about to begin to manufacture missile systems that were previously banned under the now-defunct Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) now that the United States is no longer abiding by the Cold War-era rule. At a press conference following the recent Shanghai Cooperation…

Three Election Lies: Why It’s Now Clear The American People Won The Presidential Debates – Ken Klippenstein

Three Election Lies: Why It’s Now Clear The American People Won The Presidential Debates – Ken Klippenstein


Ever since President Biden’s catastrophic debate performance last month, Washington has tried to obscure its significance behind a blizzard of outright lies, prevarications and half-truths. Let’s pick apart three of the most egregious cases. The Debate Exposed Biden’s Decline The biggest lie…

World’s Most Populous Nation Has Abandoned Solar Projects As Failure. Other Countries Should Follow Suit – Vijay Jayaraj

World’s Most Populous Nation Has Abandoned Solar Projects As Failure. Other Countries Should Follow Suit – Vijay Jayaraj


During his debate with former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden claimed: “The only existential threat to humanity is climate change.” What if I told you that it is not climate change but climate policies that are the real existential threat to billions…

While Soldiers Die On The Frontlines, The Entire Ukraine Has Been Sold, Driven Into Bankruptcy, Its Vast Agricultural Lands Stolen By Western Agribusiness – Lucas Leiroz

While Soldiers Die On The Frontlines, The Entire Ukraine Has Been Sold, Driven Into Bankruptcy, Its Vast Agricultural Lands Stolen By Western Agribusiness – Lucas Leiroz


The Ukrainian oligarchs, amid the current deteriorating situation, have begun to sell Ukrainian assets, including fertile lands, in order to compensate for possible financial losses caused by the expansion of the combat zone and the loss of their territories. This is evidenced…

Europeans Are Prisoners Of The Western Political “Center” – Hugo Dionísio

Europeans Are Prisoners Of The Western Political “Center” – Hugo Dionísio


By crystallizing into a monolithic, increasingly obsolete center, liberal “democracy” announces its death, Hugo Dionísio writes. The last few weeks constitute a deeply enlightening chapter regarding the explanatory reasons for the crisis of the so-called “liberal democracy” and the profound problems affecting…

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